How to Install Chocolatey on Windows

How to install Chocolatey on Windows 7/8/10 and Windows Server 2003+ and download, unzip, un-conpress, packages/software and install them on the fly with choco install package_name command. There are more than 7000 packages available as of January 2020 in the Chocolatey package directory and you can install all of them without visiting software repository page or download page with chocolatey on Windows Desktops and Windows Servers.

Before Installing Chocolatey

Make sure you meet system requirement before start the installation process.

You must have the followings..

Windows 7+
Windows Server 2003 +
PowerShell v2+
.Net Framework 4+

In case, you do not have .Net 4 framework installed on your system, chocolatey will install that for you. However, you must the remaining system requirements.

PowerShell as Administrator

To install chocolatey on Windows, first launch your PowerShell with Admin right.


This command may return Restricted or Allsigned, in the first case run the following command.

Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned

Install Chocolatey

Finally run this chocolatey installation command to install choco on Windows 7+ and Windows Server 2003+

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Chocolatey Installation Errors

If you run into any choco installation error, please visit Chocolatey Individual Installation Page

Chocolatey for Organization

If you are an organization and you use any of the deployment automation software from Ansible, Cetral Management, Chef, Otter, PS DSC, Puppet, and Salt.

Visit Chocolatey Organization Installation page

How to Install Packages with chocolatey

how to install packages and software with chocolatey

You can search, list, install, upgrade, and uninstall packages and software with Chocolatey on Windows 7+ and Windows Server 2003+ with the following command formats.

Just launch CMD or PowerShell with admin right and run the following commands. You can find package and software at

to install package

choco install package_name

to upgrade an existing package

choco upgrade package_name

to uninstall package

choco uninstall package_name

to list available packages

choco list package_name

If you run into any problem, installing/upgrading/uninstalling packages with choco commands, please visit and search the package you want to install and scroll down to discussion section.

Best WordPress Web & Cloud Hosting

Web hosting services make it possible to host website without owning the web service at home. These web hosting services let anybody host their application, software, websites on the web and that becomes accessible to the world via the World Wide Web.

When it comes to hosting wordpress website or blog, there is no difference and you do not require any sort of dedicated hosting service to setup softwares to make your WordPress available on the world wide web. However, everybody wants their website to load faster and search engines like Google Bing Yahoo like ranking websites that load fast on the client’s Browser so clearly that is a ranking factor. There are few web hosting companies that optimise their servers for WordPress and they charge extra for it.

What’s Your Requirement?

There are few things that you definitely want to keep in mind when you are going to purchase a web hosting service for your WordPress website. 

The very first thing is you must know your requirement

  1. if you only have to publish content I mean plain text then any sort of web hosting is going to be enough for you. 
  2. If you have to to post text with media like images then you need to optimise your images and wordpress has free and paid image optimization plugins that will help you optimise images. if you have multiple images on a post or a page then you need to consider a good web hosting plan along with a CDN.
  3. If you post rich content that may include text, multiple images, video, and animation You need to have a dedicated  web hosting server and web optimisation skill set as well.
  4. If you are planning to sell something online using woocommerce plugin for WordPress, again, I would suggest you go with dedicated web hosting server. Use cdn, minification plugins image Optimisation plugins. 

In all the cases I would always recommend that you should look for NGNIX server over Apache server, SSD over HDD, most importantly host your website at a local web hosting server.

Optimize WordPress Website/Blog/eCommerce

If you are technically sound you can make your wordpress website load faster on any server on the planet. But at the same time if you have a dedicated wordpress hosting service and you are not good at optimising your wordpress site your page load maybe worst.

Is WordPress Good for Blogging Anymore?

Honestly speaking, in 2020 there are so many options for you if you just want to blog, WordPress seems to be a bit complicated and requires periodic optimisation, a good web hosting service, and is not considered to be a secure platform, you keep receiving updates every now and then and all the plugins we install, will have access to WordPress database.

Today, there are many static site generators that let you create a blog for free and they load faster by default without any optimization whatsoever and most of them have free of cost hosting for lifetime.

I can see many bloggers are switching and migrating to static site generator and saying its an end game of WordPress era. 

You can find top static site generators here.

But one thing that WordPress offers the (UI) user interface and it is the dashboard, the admin area, which makes e-publishing easy. Anybody can master it in just a few hours.

WordPress Web Hosting Services

If you are still looking for the best WordPress web hosting service for website, blogger and eCommerce. I am going to list the best hosting web hosting options for WordPress websites that can choose from below.

Host Your Website Where Your Target Audience Live.

In order to make website pages load faster on the client’s browser you must host your website locally where your target audience is. For instance, if your audience is in UK your hosting server must be somewhere in the UK, if Your target audience is in the USA your hosting server must be somewhere in the USA, if your audience is globally you must go for a cloud hosting and you also need to have CDN and probably host at different locations.

Almost every web hosting service provider have different hosting server locations around the world, so choose wisely the hosting location.

Warning: Do not host your website in the USA if your target audience is in Europe.

providers for each hosting service type

I am not affiliated with all of them I am putting them because they are good and after observing many review websites, many Facebook groups and I also worked as a website optimization expert and optimized hundreds of WordPress website.

Shared Web Hosting for WordPress

Shared hosting business model let’s share its resources among multiple Websites. 

Shared web hosting is a kind of hosting server that is shared by multiple website owners. Shared web hosting service doesn’t offer much flexibility when it comes to customizing the web hosting server, however, there are multiple web hosting companies offering shared hosting plans that are good to get started with for beginners. Shared web hosting plans may cost between $2-5 dollars per month. These shared web hosting plans may include cPanel, phpMyAdmin to manager server like mySQL and mariadb, filemanager,  SSL certificate, one click CMS installer like softaculous, that lets you install WordPress and other CMSes, and in most cases, a website builder. Some of them may offer weekly/monthly backups.

Here is a list of shared web hosting companies that I have personally used for my own websites and for my clients.

  1. inMotion
  2. Siteground
  3. A2Hosting
  4. Dreamhost
  5. Hostgator 

Managed Cloud WordPress Hosting

Managed wordpress hosting plans are for those people who are looking for pre-optimised hosting servers for quicker page load, security, automatic wordpress update, automatic WordPress plugin updates, daily backup and most importantly technical support. 

With managed wordpress hosting you still share the resources of the server with other website owners but this server is optimised by the web hosting company for speed, security and scalability. 

In managed wordpress hosting you will not get access to cPanel and file manager, everything will be managed by the service provider. Every company uses their own set of tools and techniques to optimise and manage the hosting server for managed WordPress hosting plans.

They may offer premium plugins, premium themes and premium technical supportBut you can host only one website on one managed wordpress hosting and you also may have page-view limit between 20000 to 50000  per month.

Here is the list of managed WordPress hosting companies that offer best optimized, secure and scalable server for WordPress websites blogs and  woo-commerce that I have used personally and for my clients as well. 

  1. Liquid web
  2. WP engine
  3. inMotion
  4. Kinsta 
  5. WPVIP
  6. Flywheel
  7. Presslabs
  8. Pagely

Dedicated Web Hosting for WordPress

Dedicated web hosting plan that gets you a blank server with desired hardware configuration.

Dedicated web hosting plans give you plenty of options like installing the operating system that you want and think is the best one on the planet, Installing the server that you think is good for WordPress, it could be NGNIX or Apache. In other words it gives you full control over the server and it’s not shared with any other website owner unless you want. 

This website hosting option is really good for startups and companies those think that the data is very important and very crucial to their business and they want to make sure nobody would have access to it.

Again Dedicated web hosting also has some limitations because if you customers are coming from different countries then this may not be the right choice for you then you want to go for the cloud hosting however the dedicated web hosting plan is good for a local business a business within a particular state or a country but not for International businesses if you have huge audience from all over the world then you must go for cloud hosting.

  1. Namecheap
  2. inMotion

Reseller Web Hosting for WordPress

Reseller hosting plans for WordPress is for a freelancer or for an agency that has multiple clients and he or she has to manage all the websites of their clients. This web hosting plan gives this agency or the freelancer to manage all the websites at one server. This also gives an amazing opportunity to sell this service to his/her new clients and make money out of it. So if you are a freelancer or an agency that has multiple clients you can purchase this re-seller web hosting plan and sell it to to your clients.

  1. Namecheap
  2. inMotion

Virtual Web Hosting for WordPress

Visual web hosting method lets you host multiple websites or multiple subdomains nn a single server and these website/app domains and subdomains share the same server resources. Every web server like Apache, NGNIX, IIS  are configured differently to serve web pages for every domain or subdomain hosted on this particular server. 

Here is a list of virtual web hosting providers for WordPress. Use the following links for promo code to be applied to your first account sign up.

  1. DigitalOcean
  2. Upcloud

Colocation Web Hosting for WordPress

Colocation web hosting service is more like dedicated web hosting service. But it offers more flexibility scalability and security.  A client purchases or hires the desired hardware for his/her requirement, Installs softwares and packages that he/she thinks is going to be good for his or her website or application. Colocation Web Services offers data centres that a client has to purchase, you also get dedicated IT support engineers for your server and data centres. 

This colocation web hosting is good for startups or companies with mid/high volume traffic to their website. 

He is list of colocation web hosting service providers for WordPress.


Cloud Web Hosting for WordPress

Cloud web hosting is not like traditional web hosting. Cloud architecture has multiple data centers and has multiple virtual servers across the globe.  your website utilizes these data centers and this server or computing power of cloud whenever there is a traffic on your website. so in other words your website get on demand resources from cloud data centers and servers. 

almost all of the cloud services will charge you for utilized resources only.

He is the list of cloud web hosting  providers that support WordPress.

Clustered Web Hosting for WordPress

Clustered web hosting is a chain of servers that offers higher up time and speed to the client By utilising other physical servers and data centres within the cluster of machines. This type of hosting is good to avoid any machine faults by utilising by spreading hosting load to other machines within the cluster.

Here is the list of clustered web hosting providers for WordPress.

  1. EuroVPS

Grid Web Hosting for WordPress

Grid web hosting model is a network of multiple servers that your application or website can use at the same time. 

Grid web hosting enables applications and websites to utilise multiple servers at the same time. It could be good for multithreading tasks on your website application. 

Here is the grid web hosting providers for wordpress.

  1. MediaTemplate

Home Web Hosting for WordPress

Home web hosting for wordpress is very easy you can utilise your computer or a server if you have or you can buy one from the market.  and you can make it a web server using applications of packages for the requirement, with the help of reliable broadband internet connection.  and you can host wordpress site on it. 

Here is the list of server that you can utilize to host WordPress from anywhere in the world.


Does WordPress provide hosting?

Yes, you can host your WordPress and WooCommerce website, blog and store with

Yes, you can host your WordPress and WooCommerce website, blog and store with They have three basic hosting options for WordPress and WooCommerce websites, you can easily start with basic one first and upgrade it later on.

Which hosting service provider is best for WordPress website/blog/store?

Speed/page load matter a lot today and you are advised to go with managed WordPress hosting

Speed/page load matter a lot today and you are advised to go with managed WordPress hosting service provider like SiteGround, CloudWays, iTheme, Kinsta, WP Engine and there are many more.

How much does it cost to host a WordPress Website?

You can get started with with just $3 dollar/month and later on you can upgrade.

You can get started with with just $3 dollar/month and later on you can upgrade. Self hosted wordpress site will cost much more that wordpress hosted sites and it’ll need page load optimization.

Difference Between WordPress Hosting and Web Hosting

Web Hosting servers are not optimized wordpress. And WordPress hosting servers are supposed to be pre-optimized for faster page load by the hosting company.

The main difference if page load speed that you get with WordPress Hosting providers over web hosting servers. Generally WordPress Hosting servers are optimised for WordPress CMS and in many cases for WooCommerce as well.

How to Compile and Run C++ on Windows

This post will help you compile and run/execute C and C++ source code on Windows 10. In the process we will download and install minGW on Windows 10 and set minGW to system environment variable path.

Download minGW Installation Manager

You can download minGW installation manager from sourceforge or from Here is a direct sourcefouge minGW download link. If you do not like sourceforge you can simply perform a web search with your preferred search engine.

Compile and Run C & C++

Watch me install minGW and compile and then run C and C++ source code on Windows 10.

How to Create Shortcut on Windows 10 Desktop

This post will help you create shortcuts in Windows 10 environment. I’ll show you how you can add and remove Windows utility shortcut icons on windows 10 Desktop. At the same time you’ll also learn to create website and web-page shortcut on your Windows 10 using Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome browsers.

There are two ways to create shortcuts in Windows 10 OS. I have created videos and listed them below.

Create This PC Shortcut on Windows 10

This video will help create This PC shortcut on your Windows 10 Desktop. This is very first way to create shortcut on Windows 10 Desktop.

Create Website Shortcuts

This video will help create Website or Web Page shortcut on your Windows 10 Desktop. This is how you can create shortcut to your favorite website and web-page shortcuts on Windows 10 Desktop. These is one other way to create website shortcut but that is not yet supported by all the websites on the web.

Create Windows 10 Shortcut icons

This video will help create This PC, User’s Profile, Network, Recycle Bin, and Control Panel shortcuts on your Windows 10 Desktop. The other way to create Windows 10 Shortcuts.

Best Laptop for College Students

These laptops have been chosen for the kinds of task that students perform in their respective area of studies. I am pretty sure that this guide will help you understand your requirement before you buy any laptop and buying laptop for your requirement will help you in your area of study and will also favor the nature of your work that you will perform on your laptop during and after your studies.

I have picked these laptops for top professions that most students get into. However, if you want to really understand how to decide which laptop or device will be best suitable and best complementary to your profession; you must read why I have chosen a particular laptop for each area of studies.

There are few companies that give discounts on student laptops and some of them have good student laptop deals. Few vendors can offer financing on student laptops.

Whatever the case is I would suggest you buy the best laptop for the kind of work you are going to perform with your laptop in near future in your respective field.

Laptop for Media/Journalism Students

Laptop for media students will require to run the basic utility software like word processor, spreadsheet and presentation software a very commonly used package is Microsoft Office Suite. Apart from that media student will require to edit images and videos as well. So your laptop needs to have good graphic processing capability. You need to have good processor (CPU) and GPU as well, there are many laptops that come with latest processor like Intel i5, i7 and i9 with inbuilt GPU cards. Nvidia GPU is highly recommended.


On the other hand AMD’s latest processes like Ryzen series is a good alternative to Intel’s for image processing and video rendering. 


You also want to keep in mind that SSD instead of HDD that processes data way faster than HDD and your data will be more secure, SSDies aren’t noisy at all and SSD boots any operating system faster.

I understand that laptops with such configuration would cost a little more but SSD and GPU are the present and the future.

Any media student should have at least i5 processor  or AMD ryzen series processor with graphic card (GPU) and at least 8GB RAM with solid state drive (SSD) instead of hard drive (HDD).

Laptop Pricing

There are many laptops in the market that offer these configuration some at bit lower price and some at a bit higher price. Remember – paying a bit more at the purchase time pays you off in long run.

When it comes to choosing a brand you also want to keep in mind after-purchase experience as well. Like some companies are very bad at after-purchase customer support and some companies are good at.

After-Purchase Experience

Irrespective of brand, every laptop does, including Apple & Microsoft; there is possibility that and your laptop’s software or hardware may crash or could ship with one or multiple faulty parts.

Laptops for Engineering & Technology Students

Engineering and Technology students must choose and buy laptops smartly for their studies and work, keeping the advancement in technology like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning in mind.

Industry 4.0 – Be Future Ready

No matter what specific field of Engineering and Technology you have chosen to be in, very soon the integration of artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation deployment is going to take place in industrial revolution 4.0

Laptop Specifications

When it comes to buying a laptop for engineering and technology students there are few things you need to keep in mind like (CPU) processing speed, GPU processing speed, RAM, and storage devices like solid state drive (SSD) and hard drive (HDD). 

Almost every University instructs its students to have at least Intel i5 processor, 8GB RAM, and 250 storage. And this is going to be okay for most of you at University.

But I would suggest you should buy a laptop with at least Intel i7 processor or AMD ryzen latest series with more than 8GB of RAM, storage capacity of at least 250 gigabytes and make sure you get SSD instead of the old HDD, SSD is faster than HDD and it’s more reliable.

Here is what a lot of people do, so they will buy SST of at least 250 gigabyte and they will keep an external hard drive to store data or use cloud based storage.

There are many companies that offer  laptops with this kind of configuration some of them are affordable, some of them are a bit costlier. There is one most important factor that comes in picture if you are buying a laptop or desktop or smart phone and that is the the after purchase customer support experience.

I know some companies are not good at customer, support some will give you support onsite, some will ask you to drop devices at their service centers.

So whenever you have to buy a laptop you also keep after-purchase customer experiences with a brand.

Irrespective of your study stream there are few software and application that every student is going to use that could be word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation software that are essential to have on system. However, today there are many companies offering free and paid cloud based office suite services that you can use in your preferred browser.

Laptops for Commerce Students

Technology is changing everything  the latest advancements, artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning and data science is going to change how people are working in commerce and finance sector. 

When it comes to buying a laptop or a desktop for commerce student you must keep these technological advancements in your mind in choosing a right laptop or desktop for your studies and profession as well. 

Buy Laptop for software you are going to use the most

Here are few software that every commerce student is going to have on the computer Office Suite that includes  word processing software spreadsheet and presentation software slide software email software customer relation  management software these are the basic software.

But if you want to keep pace with the advancement in technology you definitely want to have applications like Anaconda, SQL, Python, R, Matlab, Word Processor, Presentation, excel, email client and a few more.

These software will require good processing speed on your system and there are a few better suggestions for Commerce students.  when it comes to processing dynamic data I would highly recommend you have Intel’s latest processors like i7 and i9 with at least 8 GB of RAM and storage device SSD instead of HDD.

Because today we are converting data into visual graphics you will also require to have GPU like Nvidia, which is faster and it is highly recommended for its capabilities, speed, support and durability.

There are a lot of companies offering laptops with such configuration but you also need to keep the after-purchase customer satisfactory in mind when deciding on a brand.

There are a few companies that are good at after-sale customer support and some suck at it.

Irrespective of your study stream there are few software and application that every student is going to use that are word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation software that are essential to have on system. However, today there are many companies offering free and paid cloud based office suite services (SaaS) that you can use in your preferred browser across devices.

Laptops for Arts Students

Arts students would require to have software like Office Suite e.g. word processing software, spreadsheet presentation software, presentation software and you may also required to have image editing software and some video editing software as well.

And you have lots of options to choose from almost every company  offers laptops for the required configuration for Arts Students. 

Laptops for Arts students is going to be capable enough with Intel i5 processor or latest AMD Ryzen series processor with minimum of 8GB ram and 250 gigabyte storage space on your system. But hey I would suggest you go with solid  state drive (SSD) over hard drive disk (HDD).

However there is one most important factor that you keep in mind when you are going to purchase any laptop.  Go with the company that is good at after-purchase customer support because anything may happen no matter what brand laptop you go with. Some time back I worked for a Tech Customer Support company where I used to attend customer from all major brands.

There are many companies that are not good at after-sale customer support and some of them are not.

Irrespective of your study stream there are few software and application that every student is going to use that are word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation software that are essential to have on system. However, today there are many companies offering both free and paid cloud based office suite services (SaaS) that you can use in your preferred browser across all the device with browser support.

Related Post: Best laptop for illustrators

Laptops for Medical Students

Advancement in technology is changing how diseases are being examined and patients are being treated. Medical statistics like Bioinformatics, chem-informatics, statistics, genomes, DNA sequencing and genetics are going to be the future, a part of every medical student study syllabus and every Medical practitioners and professionals.

You need to understand the importance of this upcoming trends and advancements in the medical sector. And this is going to be possible with the help of devices like laptops, desktops and smartphones.

Laptop for medical students must have office suite software that include word processing, spreadsheet, presentation software. A very commonly used is Microsoft Office Suite, however today these are freely available as a (SaaS) cloud based services some of them are paid, as well.

Your laptop will require to process huge amount of data dynamically and present them visually to you in some cases. for this you need to have a latest generation processor (CPU), GPU and at least 16GB RAM and probably 1 Terabyte of storage, you can use solid state drive (SSD) for speed otherwise hard drive (HDD).

For data processing I would always recommend you go with Intel’s latest processor and Nvidia GPU.

Do not forget artificial intelligence deep, machine learning are also going to be a part of medical  studies in industrial revolution 4.0.

Along with laptop I would highly recommend you should have a desktop. A custom built desktop will be cheaper than a company assembled one.

There are many companies that offer you the best configuration laptops for your requirement but here is one thing that you need to keep in mind when you are going to decide on a company or a brand and that is after-purchase customer support. I must tell you there are few companies good at after-sale customer satisfactory support and some of them unfortunate not.

Irrespective of your study stream there are few software and application that every student is going to use that are word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation software that are essential to have on system. However, today there are many companies offering both free and paid cloud based office suite services (SaaS) that you can use in your preferred browser across all the device with browser support.

Laptops for Fashion Design Students

Fashion designers would require image processing software and to present their ideas they will also need video editing software.

Along with that, they will need to have basic software like Office Suite software like word processing software, spreadsheet software, presentation software, email clients are very commonly used  is Microsoft Office Suite.

However, many companies are offering these software from the cloud (SaaS) in your browser across the devices that means in the cloud some of them are paid and some of them are free but everybody wants to have an offline alternative to that as well.

When it comes to editing graphics and video your system needs to have a good processor CPU and GPU along with at least 8GB RAM and good amount of storage device like SSD instead of HDD, which is faster. 

You can buy any laptop with latest Intel processors or AMD ryzen series processor with a GPU, more than 8GB of Ram and storage the maximum better.

There are many companies that offer  laptop with such configuration but you also must keep in mind after-purchase support experience.

There are many companies good at after-sale customer satisfactory support and some of them are not.  Some will support you for a specific period of time – like one year or two years and then they will start charging. Some of them will support you onsite, some of them will require you to take your device to their support centers.

That is another factor that you must keep in mind when you are going to decide on a company or a brand.

Irrespective of your study stream there are few software and application that every student is going to use that are word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation software that are essential to have on system. However, today there are many companies offering both free and paid cloud based office suite services (SaaS) that you can use in your preferred browser across all the device with browser support.

Laptops for Cinematic Studies

If your job involves video editing, image editing, illustration, animation, 3D modelling,  you are a photographer and videographer. you need to have most latest processor a most of professionals these days prefer AMD ryzen threadripper and GPU at least 30 e GB RAM they also prefer SSD over HDD.

Just so that we can process images faster render videos faster and become more productive. I would always suggest that you go for custom built desktop then a laptop for your profession.  

you certainly have laptops available with such configuration but laptops for video editing and image processing is good if you are a Traveller photographer or a videographer but if you have to work in a room/office in a company it’s good idea to have a desktop.

Here is a one most important factor if you going to purchase a laptop, go with the company that gives important to ask to purchase customer support is well big is not all companies are good at after sale customer satisfaction and support.

Irrespective of your study stream there are few software and application that every student is going to use that are word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation software that are essential to have on system. However, today there are many companies offering both free and paid cloud based office suite services (SaaS) that you can use in your preferred browser across all the device with browser support.

Add Bootstrap to Create React App

This post will help your add bootstrap to Create React App locally using yarn and npm. But, this is how bootstrap is added to any nodejs project, so you can basically add bootstrap any nodejs project the same way. Let’s get started now.

I assume that you already have installed nodejs, npm, yarn and created your create-react-app.

Save Bootstrap to Create React App

To save bootstrap to your create react app or any nodejs app you can use yarn or npm commands. Copy one from below and run it from your app root directory.

yarn add bootstrap
npm install bootstrap

Once it completes fetching and saving bootstrap to your app. Run the create react app server and open src/index.js file and add the following code.

yarn start
npm start


import React, {useState} from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css' //added 

Watch me add Bootstrap to Create React App

Python is Not Recognized

This post covers how to add Python 2.7 and Python 3.x to system environment variable path to fix python is not recognized as an internal or external command on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 as well.

Python 2.7 – Python is not recognized

If you are using python 2.7.x and you are getting error ‘Python is not recognized as an internal or external command; please watch this video to fix it.

Python 3.7 – Python is not recognized as an internal or external command

If you are using python 3.8.x and you are getting error ‘Python is not recognized as an internal or external command; please watch this video to fix it.

If you are getting this error on your Windows 7/8/10, then you need to add python to the system environment variable path.

Install Latest Version of Python with Chocolatey on Windows

If you want to save time from install latest version of Python on your Windows Desktop or Server. You should consider using Chocolatey to install, update and set software to system’s path with choco command.

Make sure you have installed Chocolatey. To install and add Python to system variable path run the following command.

Launch your command prompt with admin rights.

choco install python -y

Related Posts…

  1. Deploy Python Django on cPanel
  2. Django 3 Tutorial – Create a Blogging App
  3. Install Django 3 on Windows 10
  4. Install Django on Ubuntu

How to Create Windows 10 Bootable USB Tool – Step by Step Guide

This post will help you create a Windows 10 Bootable USB on Windows desktop or laptop. If you want to download Windows ISO file only then you would not need the Flash Drive otherwise you’ll require a Flash Drive of at least of 8 GB.

Download Windows 10 Bootable USB Tool

Microsoft offers a Windows 10 bootable USB tool that lets you download and create Windows 10 installation media on your USB easily. Let’s download this tool, it’s called Microsoft media creation tool.

Microsoft media creation tool will help us make Windows 10 bootable USB and download Windows 10 ISO file as well.

Here is the download link

On this page, you simply have to click the download button.

Once the download completes, you just run this Windows 10 setup tool. With this tool – you can do all, upgrade your Windows 10, create Windows 10 bootable USB and download Windows 10 ISO file as well.

After starting this took after a few minutes you’ll get this Microsoft license window, simply hit the Accept button on the right bottom.

This tool will take a minute or two and you will be primped with this following windows. Here select the second option and hit next button at the right bottom corner.

After clicking Next button, you will get the following window with options like Language, Edition, and Architecture types (32/64 bit).

Select your language and system type and you can also select both (32 & 64 bit) system type architecture.

Next window page will give you options to choose from USB Flash Drive and Windows 10 ISO file. I have selected USB Flash Drive option.

Here you can download Windows 10 ISO file in case you do not have a Flash Drive handy at the moment.

Once you have selected ISO or USB, click Next button at the right bottom.

Save Windows 10 ISO file

If you selected the USB Flash Drive option then make sure you have inserted the Flash Drive of at least of 8 GB.

Select the right USB and hit Next button. In case you have got more than one USB on your system.

After clicking this Next button. This tool is going to download Windows 10..

Then Create Windows 10 Media

Finally your Windows 10 Bootable USB is ready

Watch me create Windows 10 Bootable USB

How to Detele POF Profile

This post will help delete Plenty of Fish – your POF account using its web app aka website on the browser.

Sign in to with your username and password in your preferred web browser.

I assume that you are logged in with your username and password on the website and now you want to delete your pof account permanently.

Towards deleted your pof account

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for Help then click Help Center

On the right top under Profile FAQ, look for Remove Profile and click it

Delete or Hide Your POF Profile

Now, you are on Delete Your POF Profile page. Here there are two options for you, dear valued POF user; you can Hide or Delete your POF account. Just think again and click the right link now.


I would suggest you hide your profile if you have not found your partner yet, because after deleting your POF account if you reconsider POF in future you will have to Register again and that would be time consuming.

Good Luck… 🙂

How to Add YouTube Channel to Google Analytics

This post will help you add/link your YouTube Channel to Google Analytics properties.

I assure that you already have a YouTube channel and you have signed up for Google Analytics account as well. If you have not either, please create a YouTube channel and sign up for Google Analytics account.

Copy your YouTube channel URL

If you already have a YouTube Channel, go ahead and launch your web browser and type in the URL bar and hit enter button on your keyboard and browser will redirect you to your YouTube channel.

Now, you are on your YouTube channel dashboard page, here you simply click the channel logo on the left top and this click will open a new browser tab with your YouTube public channel URL.

Copy your YouTube public channel URL.

Create A New Google Analytics Property

Login to your Google Analytics account and on the left bottom and click Admin button with gear icon.

Now, click Create Property button in the middle.

Select web to measure a website, scroll down and click continue

Add YouTube Channel URL to Google Analytics

Now, you have to type your website name, add website URL, select industry category, select reporting time zone and click Create to create your YouTube Channel property.

  1. Website Name = YouTube Channel Name
  2. Website URL = YouTube Channel URL
  3. Industry Category = Select as per your channel content
  4. Reporting Time Zone = Select your country name

Add GA Tracking ID to Your Channel

Once you click the Create button, you’ll be landing on the Tracking Id page, here copy the entire Tracking ID and head to your YouTube channel dashboard page.

Channel Advanced Settings Page

Visit click Settings on the left bottom then click Channel then Advanced settings and then click Advanced channel settings

Paste GA Tracking ID

As soon as you the advanced channel setting link, it will open a new browser tab. Now, scroll down and paste the Google Analytics Tracking ID and click save button and you are all set.

Watch me add my YouTube channel to Google Analytics