How to Redirect AMP Page URLs

This post will help redirect all AMP page URLs to original page, post, and category URLs with Redirect plugin in WordPress. I will be using REGEX to implement bulk redirection in WordPress using free plugin. Install Redirection Plugin Login to your WordPress admin area and click add new plugin and look for Redirection, install it […]

How to Install NodeJS, NPM, NPX, and Yarn on Windows 10

install nodejs npm npx yarn

This post will help you download and install the latest version of NodeJS, NPM, NPX, and Yarn on Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 7, irrespective of your system type; 32 bit or 64 bit. We’ll first download and install NodeJS and then we’ll proceed with NPM, NPX and Yarn in a bit. To install […]

Setting up Bash WSL on Windows 10 (npm, nodejs)

npm-install-error-not-foundram-files-nodejs-npm-3-mnt-c-program-files-nodejs Just run these commands from bash .. This will install nodejs 14, if you want to install latest or older version of nodejs.. you should change /setup_14.x like /setup_12.x Install NodeJS on Ubuntu Run the following commands if you are using WSL on Windows 10 and npm and node do not run and returns […]

JavaScript Object Loops and Iteration

In this post I going to show you how to loop and iterate object keys and values from JavaScript Objects. I am going to use for of and for in loops and Object.key() and Object.entries() to demonstrate the example code. JavaScript Object Here is the JavaScript Object that I’ll be using throughout the post. Using […]

VS Code ReactJS Extension & Emmet Auto-complete Congratulation for JSX, JS and VueJS

This post will help you install and configure Visual Code Studio extensions for ReactJS that will improve your productivity by 10 folds. We are going install extension to create ReatJS Class based and function-based components on the fly and configure Emmet for JSX, ReactJS, VueJS and JavaScript Install VS Code ReactJS Extension If you want […]

How Do I Promote ClickBank Products on YouTube

If you have been wondering how you can start promoting ClickBank products on your YouTube channel then in this post I am going to share my success story and journey about how I got started with affiliated marketing using YouTube. It’s dead simple I am not going to complicate it, all you do to promote […]

How I Fixed Core Web Vitals

fix core web vitals

So here is how I decided to experiment few things to fix core web vitals on my WordPress sites and after a month or so, I can see some positive results in Google Search Console for these WordPress sites that were in red category of Core Web Vitals score. A lot of people would say […]

How to Enable WordPress 5.5 XML Sitemap

wordpress sitemap

One of most awaited feature that WordPress 5.5 release shipped today is the XML sitemap generator. That means you longer need XML sitemap generator plugin to be installed and also you don’t need to think about it anymore. Delete XML Sitemap Plugin If you have been using a plugin to generate XML sitemap then it’s […]

HTML 5 Elements

In this post you will learn what are the elements in HTML and how they work, I’m going to demonstrate with codes and visual images that will help you understand how the tags created and used to display heading, paragraph, forms, images, links, list of items and more. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, […]

How to Install PHP 7.4.9 on Windows 10

This post will help you download and install PHP 7.4.x on your Windows 10, however, your Windows OS is 8/8.1 or 7; you should not have any issues downloading and installing PHP 7.4.x and verify latest version of PHP on your Windows OS. Follow these simple steps to download and install PHP 7.4.x on your […]