How to Download and Install Google Chrome

This post will help you download and install google chrome on Microsoft Windows 10 operating system.

In order to install download Google Chrome launch Microsoft edge Browser put your mouse cursor in the search bar and type / Chrome hit enter and then click the download button now look at the bottom of the screen and click run now you are all set.

Alternatively you can watch me download and install google chrome on Microsoft Windows 10 in this video

Install Google Chrome Browser

This video will help you download and install google chrome latest browser on your operating system. No matter which operating system you are using Windows or Linux or Mac. Google Chrome download page automatically detects your operating system type and lets you download the latest version of Google Chrome browser for your operating system. 

To download Google Chrome Browser on your operating system, you simply visit in your current web browser. Let the page load, now look for the download button; which you can find on the right top, in the middle and at the very bottom.

Just click any download button here and a confirmation window will appear here simply click “Accept and Install”. Now you are done,  just wait and watch and you will have Chrome installed on your operating system, in no time.

Watch me download & install Google Chrome Web Browser