install joomla

How to Install Joomla 3.9 on Host Server

This post will help you install latest version of Joomla on your web hosting server using cPanel that includes Softaculous CMS installer. But before you start installing Joomla on your server, please make sure your php version is set to the recommended version by Joomla, at this moment it’s PHP 7.3 and you also have enabled ‘mysqli’ php extension; this is what is used by Joomla but it may change anytime you never know.. Other CMSes have already started using PHP PDO extension.

If you should want to add a new domain for this Joomla installation; you want to add your domain via cPanel using ‘addon domain’.

Login to cPanel a/c

To make all these changes on your server, you need to login to your hosting cPanel account and look for ‘Select PHP version’ plugin to set latest PHP version and enable ‘mysqli’ extension.

Set PHP Version as Default

Assuming that you have set latest version of PHP, enabled mysqli ext and added domain name too.

Look for Softaculous Apps Installer

Within the cPanel interface, you can search for Softaculous and for Joomla. I think finding softaculous is much easier, in my case, it is available in the very top row. Otherwise, you simply scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for Joomla; you’ll find Joomla under Softaculous section. Once your find Joomla; just click it to start the installation.

Select http Protocol and Domain

On this Softaculous apps installer page, select your preferred http protocol which in my case it’s ‘https’ and then select your domain name for this Joomla installation.

Create Joomla Admin Profile

On the Joomla installation page, create your Joomla admin profile and customize your database name and database table prefix under advanced options.

Before You Click Install

Before you click install button at the bottom; scroll up and check all the credentials and enter your woking email address below the INSTALL button and then click “INSTALL” button.

Login to Joomla Admin Dashboard

Watch me install Joomla on my shared web hosting server using cPanel and login to Joomla admin dashboard.

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