How to Install MariaDB On Debian 12

Here’s a bash script to automate the installation of MariaDB Server on Debian. The script handles both installation from the default Debian repository and from the official MariaDB repository if a newer version is required.

Bash Script to install MariaDB on Linux


# Bash script to install MariaDB Server on Debian

# Function to install MariaDB from the default Debian repository
install_from_debian_repo() {
    echo "Updating package list..."
    sudo apt update -y

    echo "Installing MariaDB Server and Client from Debian repository..."
    sudo apt install -y mariadb-server mariadb-client

    echo "Starting and enabling MariaDB service..."
    sudo systemctl start mariadb
    sudo systemctl enable mariadb

    echo "Securing MariaDB installation..."
    sudo mysql_secure_installation

    echo "MariaDB installed from Debian repository successfully!"

# Function to install MariaDB from the official MariaDB repository
install_from_mariadb_repo() {
    echo "Downloading MariaDB repository setup script..."
    wget -O mariadb_repo_setup

    echo "Running repository setup script..."
    sudo bash mariadb_repo_setup

    echo "Updating package list..."
    sudo apt update -y

    echo "Installing MariaDB Server and Client from MariaDB repository..."
    sudo apt install -y mariadb-server mariadb-client

    echo "Starting and enabling MariaDB service..."
    sudo systemctl start mariadb
    sudo systemctl enable mariadb

    echo "Securing MariaDB installation..."
    sudo mysql_secure_installation

    echo "MariaDB installed from official MariaDB repository successfully!"

# Main script
echo "Select installation method:"
echo "1) Install MariaDB from Debian repository (default)"
echo "2) Install the latest MariaDB from the official MariaDB repository"
read -p "Enter your choice [1-2]: " choice

case $choice in
        echo "Invalid choice. Exiting."
        exit 1

How to Use the Script

  1. Save the script to a file, e.g.,
  2. Make the script executable: chmod +x
  3. Run the script: sudo ./
  4. Follow the on-screen prompts to select the installation method (Debian repo or official MariaDB repo).

What the Script Does

  1. Option 1: Installs MariaDB using Debian’s default package repository.
  2. Option 2: Sets up the MariaDB repository to install the latest version.

This script automates the installation process and ensures the MariaDB service is properly configured.

Remove MariaDB from Linux

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