In this post we are going to learn very interesting and very important Parts of speech these are very helpful for English learn.

Nouns and Pronouns

Nouns and Pronouns are used to give a subject to our speaking. They are amongst the most common words in English.

(1) Noun Identification:

A noun is a word that refers to a thing (book), a person (Avantika), an animal (puppy), a place (Delhi), a quality (beautiful), an idea (justice), or an action (Write). It’s usually a single word, but not always: cake, shoes, school bus, and time and a half are all nouns.

Common Nouns VS Proper Nouns

Common nouns

Common nouns are for general ( not specific! ) people, places and things.

Sentence Examples:

  1. I really like to read younger authors!
  2. Well, bananas are pretty good for you!
  3. You always enjoyed learning new languages.

Proper nouns

Proper nouns are for specific people, place and things ( We use a capital letter for these nouns! ).

Sentence Examples:

(2) Pronouns:

Replaces a noun. Pronouns are used instead of nouns and have a variety of uses within speech.


He, she, it, they, you, I, we, me, her, him, them.

Sentence Examples:

Verbs and Adverbs

Verbs and Adverbs are also very common parts of speech.

(3) Verbs:

Verbs an action or doing word (also tell when it happened!).


Bear, forecast, forget, come, fall, Catch, sing, jump, ate, laugh, do, see, though, cooked, study.

Sentence Examples:

(4) Adverbs:

Adverb is describes a verb (often end in-ly!)


Quietly, slowly, funnily, quickly, sleepily, steadily.

Sentence Examples:

Adjectives and Articles

Adjectives and Articles commonly appear next to each other.

(5) Adjectives:

Describes a noun.


Thick, tall, red, big, beautiful, quiet, shiny, fat.

Sentence Examples:

(6) Articles:

Define the noun.


A, the and an

Sentence Examples:

(7) Conjunctions:

Used to link ideas and parts of speech.


Because, and, so, although, therefore, furthermore

Sentence Examples:

(8) Prepositions:

Give information for place, time etc.


Over, inside, during, before, on top, offer, between, above

Sentence Examples:

(9) Interjections:

Expressing emotions. Describe surprise or a feeling.


Ouch!, Woohoo!, Yew!, Eck!

Sentence Examples:

Thank you so much!!