Contact Live Present Tense Tutor at [email protected] – In this present tense section you will learn sentence identification, sentence structure and types of sentences of present simple, present indefinite, present continuous, present perfect, and present perfect continuous.
Present Indefinite Tense
You will learn to identify present indefinite tense sentences, structure of present indefinite sentences, and construct all types of sentences like affirmative sentences, negative sentences, interrogative sentences, and interrogative and negative sentences in present indefinite tense.
Present Continuous Tense
You will learn to identify present continuous tense sentences, structure of present continuous sentences, and construct all types of sentences like affirmative sentences, negative sentences, interrogative sentences, and interrogative and negative sentences in present continuous tense.
Present Perfect Tense
You will learn to identify present perfect tense sentences, structure of present perfect sentences, and construct all types of sentences like affirmative sentences, negative sentences, interrogative sentences, and interrogative and negative sentences in present perfect tense.
Present Prefect Continuous Tense
You will learn to identify present perfect continuous tense sentences, structure of present perfect continuous sentences, and construct all types of sentences like affirmative sentences, negative sentences, interrogative sentences, and interrogative and negative sentences in present perfect continuous tense,