WordPress 2021 theme video walk through. This post will cover new block patterns being shipped with WordPress Twenty Twenty-one theme and dark-mode toggle button that you get this theme.
WordPress 5.6 is now compatible with PHP 8 which will improve its performance. For developer update please read the release post.
Convert your WordPress WooCommerce Store into a selling machine that let your visitor try your products in their own home, garden, and on themselves. Here is your eCommerce augmented reality plugin that let you create visualize-product links and display on your product pages, content pages, blog posts and social media pages.
This WordPress Augmented Reality plugin is good for your WooCommerce Store that sell the following.
I assume that you already know what is wp-cli tool, in this post I am going to show you how to download and install wp-cli tool on Windows 10. However, if you have Windows 7 or Windows 8; these steps will work for you.
WP-CLI Prerequisites
You need to have PHP and Composer installed and set them to system PATH. I have installed XAMPP and set PHP and MySQL to system PATH and installed Composer separately.
Please make sure that you are able to check PHP and Composer version from command line tool.
Copy and Paste downloaded wp-cli.phar file in c:\wp-cli
Create a named wp.bat in c:\wp-cli folder
Paste the following code in wp.bat file and save wp.bat file
php "c:/wp-cli/wp-cli.phar" %*
Set c:\wp-cli to your system PATH
From Windows Menu, open Environment Variables and select Path and click EDIT and ADD new environment variable and hit ok, ok, and ok.
Relaunch CMD & Type wp help
WP CLI Commands
Now you can run wp cli commands to manage WordPress sites and scaffold plugins, blocks, and themes. Now, install WordPress on Windows, navigate to your WordPress installation directory and try the following wp cli commands.
This post will help install latest version of WordPress on your Desktop and Laptop using Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. There are few software requirements for installing WordPress locally. You need to have PHP 7.x, MySQL or MariaDB, and Web Server like Apache or NGINX.
Before We Install WordPress on Windows 10
In this post, I’ll be using XAMPP which installs and configures latest version of PHP, MariaDB, and Apache2 web server on Windows 7 and above and on Mac OS too. XAMPP is a cross platform apache, mariadb, php and perl package, which is also open source.
One more thing you get with XAMPP is phpmyadmin which is graphical user interface to manage SQL database.
With XAMPP, you can install WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and other PHP powered CMSes out there.
Install PHP, MySQL, Apache (XAMPP) for WordPress
There are a few options when it comes to installing php, MySQL, and Apache, the simplest one is XAMPP, which open source and also cross platform. XAMPP comes with control panel that makes managing services easy from one centralized window.
Launch browser, go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin in browser tab
Create a database for WordPress installation
Open https://localhost/wp_folder_name in a new browser tag
Click ‘Let’s go’
Fill the database credentials (db name, root, and no password)
Create your admin profile
Click Install
Login to WP admin area/dashboard at localhost/wp_folder_name/wp-admin
Enter your admin username and password, and click LOGIN
Install WordPress with XAMPP on Windows
If you need step by step walkthrough to install xampp, please watch video above. This video will show you how to install WordPress on Windows 10.
Install WordPress on localhost
To install WordPress on localhost, you must have a webserver, PHP, and MySQL installed and running. This post is using XAMPP to install and configure PHP, MySQL, and Apache2 webserver.
Download and unzip latest version of WordPress and put unzipped WordPress under xampp/htdocs/yourWP
Create a database on localhost/phpmyadmin and user database name, username (root) and database password (“”) which is empty to install WordPress on your localhost.
This post will help create your very first WordPress Theme from scratch if you have not yet. It’s going to be a clear and concise walk through and I assume that you already have your WordPress local installation setup on your preferred operating system. I’ll be using Windows 10 and I have installed and configured PHP 7.4.x, MySQL 8 and Apache-httpd 2.4 Web Server.
To create a WordPress theme from scratch, we need to create a theme folder/directory in WordPress Themes directory/folder.
You can create folder and files by clicking right mouse button or with the help of your text editor. I’ll be using bash in Windows 10 to create files and folders.
Bash in Windows CMD
I’ll be using bash in Windows 10 CMD to create files and folder. mkdir means create a folder with the given name and touch means create a file with given file name and extension. cd means change directory; this clearly means move from one to another folder.
To start using bash in Windows 10, enable Windows Subsystem and install a Linux distro like Ubuntu or Debian. Launch Windows CMD and type bash, hit enter and bash will be available in the current Windows directory.
mkdir theme_name
Create style.css and index.php in theme folder
Open your theme_name folder in your choice of text editor and create two files – style.css and index.php. These are two files that are the minimum required files to create WordPress theme.
Change the directory
cd theme_name
Create files
touch style.css index.php
Open style.css to Define your Theme
Open style.css with your favorite text editor and write the following code, that are self-explanatory. For more explanation you can have a look at this official page
Theme Name: Theme Name
Theme URI: http://wordpress.org/themes/theme_name
Author: Your Name
Author URI: http://yoursite.com/
Description: A simple custom blogging theme.
Version: 1.0
Now, save this style.css file and activate from wp-admin area.
WP Theme Name & Attributes
Theme Name: This lets you name your theme
Theme URI: If your WordPress passes theme testing parameters, your theme gets a unique WordPress theme repo URL and you can that URL here.
Author: You can put your name here as a WordPress theme author.
Author URI: Put your blog/site or social profile link here.
Description: You describe your theme features here, that helps optimize your theme for a specific keyword or phrase that might be targeting to rank for, in WordPress theme repository or on search engines.
Version: You can give your theme a version number, keep upgrading it whenever you add new features to your theme.
There are a few more theme description attributes that you can add to your WordPress custom themes. You can find all the theme attributes on this official page.
View Your WP Theme in the Browser
After activating your custom theme, now you can view your theme in the web browser but it will be completely blank, because our index.php is blank. To test the index.php, just write some php or html tags with content and refresh your browser and you should see that your theme is working.
Please bookmark this page for more, I’ll keep adding content to this page
One of most awaited feature that WordPress 5.5 release shipped today is the XML sitemap generator. That means you longer need XML sitemap generator plugin to be installed and also you don’t need to think about it anymore.
Delete XML Sitemap Plugin
If you have been using a plugin to generate XML sitemap then it’s time to bid thanks to the plugin creators and deactivate that plugin and delete it.
But before you delete
But before you deactivate and delete you XML sitemap generator plugin there are a few things you need to take into your consideration and that might hurt your rankings.
WordPress XML Sitemap can’t generate media XML sitemaps like image sitemap and video sitemap.
Image sitemap
video sitemap
Don’t Delete Your Sitemap Plugin, if..
If your website, blog and store ranks for videos and images and your existing plugin was generating image and video sitemap then you should not delete your existing XML sitemap generator plugin because WordPress sitemap generator does not generate media sitemap yet.
If your website get more traffic from web searches and almost none from image and video searches then you should deactivate and delete your XML sitemap generator plugin and enable WordPress inbuilt XML sitemap generator.
How to Enable WordPress XML Sitemap
Easy stuff – just deactivate and delete your existing XML Sitemap plugin and refresh your page and visit yoursite.com/wp-sitemap.xml
Let Search Engines Know
Though WordPress claims that this inbuilt feature notifies search engines, still our job is to let search engines like Google, Bing, Ask know that your site has new XML sitemap URL.
I installed a WordPress site on with EasyEngine and had WordPress asking for FTP username and password and also images were not being displayed after migrating this WordPress site from other web server.
To fix all I had to just give write permission to the WordPress Root Folder and a WP constant to wp-config.php file. I used putty on my Windows 10 to perform the following tasks.
If you’re looking for top affordable wordpress developers for your next project at a very competitive price with proven wordpress design and development skills then you are on the right page.
Irrespective of your requirement, you are going to like the work and these WordPress developers will give you hundred percent delivery in time and if required revision as well for free.
Whether you have just one project or you have multiple projects; you will get to work with best wordpress developers with proven skills These wordpress developers will make sure your website is fully mobile responsive, going to meet the web accessibility standard and 100% SEO optimised.
Word of Advice..
Here is a word of advice if you are looking for a completely custom wordpress theme I would suggest you ask your developer to use base-them, which is developed and maintained by Automatic the company behind WordPress and Jetpack, and other community WordPress developers. And that base-theme is called underscores (_s), which is available at underscores.me
WordPress Custom Theme Development
There are so many wordpress base themes out there that can be used to build wordpress custom themes that will save the development cost and time, and at the same time these base-themes are 100% Web accessibility ready. One of these wordpress themes is under scores which is developed and maintained by Automatic and community WordPress developers. Pandit course base wordpress theme is also used to build and develop wordpress VIP themes. So now you know I am suggesting this underscores(_S) for your wordpress custom theme base.
WordPress Plugin Development
If you need a custom wordpress plugin for your business requirement; these top wordpress developers can help you develop custom wordpress plugins following the wordpress plugin development standard.
Freelance WordPress Developers
Here is a list of verified and hand picked pro wordpress developers that you can easily really on, for your next WordPress project.
Pro WordPress Developers
I have gone ahead and hand-picked the top rated pro wordpress developers that are also available at reasonable price.
CreativeWerb is highly skilled US based WordPress developer, he has helped many startups and businesses achieve their goal with WordPress.
StephanCSorba is a professional Netherlands based WordPress Developer, who has already helped many startups and businesses around the world. He can help you with other CMS as well.
WossAgency is a US based Web Design & Development agency, they have been helping startups and small businesses for last few years. They can help you with logo design, packaging design, wordpress development, and eCommerce store as well.
MborGelt is a US based SEO, SEM, and WordPress development agency, that have been helping small businesses and startups for last few years already. They are all in one package when it comes to launching website, blog, or eCommerce store and search engine optimization and social media promotions.
Highly Rated WordPress Developer
If your budget is tight and you’re looking for highly rated wordpress developers for your wordpress custom theme development here is the list of highly rated wordpress developers that you can rely on for your next wordpress project.
LovishGulati733 is India based WordPress theme developer with 280 five star rating from the around the world. He has been startups and small businesses for last few years at affordable price.
MergMercer_1 is US based WordPress Developer, has been helping startups and small businesses around the world for last few years at affordable price.
Chellerose is US based Web Design and Development agency owner with 15 years of experience. She has been in the business of helping startups and small business for last 15 years. Her web design and development services are affordable.
WordPressBoss is a Bangladesh based WordPress expert with a focus on clean design with over 1000 five start ratings from around the world and his services are affordable.
Aakash8787 is India based WordPress Developer with 8 years of experience as of 2020 with over 500 five star ratings from around the world and his wordpress development services are reliable and affordable.
Mike_d5 is Ireland based Web Designer, WordPress Expert, and graphic designer with 2 years of experience as of 2020, with over 50 five star ratings from around the world and his design and web development services are affordable.
Looking for WordPress VIP Theme Developers and Plugin Developers with Cloud Hosting easy to scale capabilities for your wordpress site?
This post will help you customize your WordPress 2020 twentytwenty theme. We are going to create a child theme inheriting scripts, styles and templates from WordPress TwentyTwenty 2020 theme, which in this case will be a parent theme for the child theme that we are going to create.
Features to be added
I am going to add three features that I think WordPress 2020 twentytwenty theme lacks so the very first feature that I am going to add to the child theme is the read-more button on every blog post with excerpts, the second feature that I am going to add is – I am going to add an else clause which will work as a default thumbnail on pages and blog posts, that do not have thumbnail or featured- image on them and very last, the third thing that I am going to add to the child theme is custom template to list blog posts, I am going to create custom template to list all the blog-posts with thumbnail, excerpts and read- more button.
Watch me customize or continue reading the post
Create 20-20 child theme
To create a child theme for any wordpress theme, we first create a folder under wp-content/themes directory and then we create two files in it, the very first file that needs to be created is style.css and the second one is functions.php
Remember: When naming the child theme folder do not put any space between the words.
Type the following comments in style.css and save it to create a WP child theme.
You can replace anything on the right side after the colon. Just remember to name your child theme without any spaces in between.
Theme Name: myChildTheme
Template: twentytwenty
Author: TubeMint
Author URI: https://tubemint.com
Description: 2020 child theme with custom blog template, read-more button and default thumbnail..
Type the following php code in functions.php to enqueue styles and scripts from the parent theme
/* enqueue scripts and style from parent theme */
function twentyChild_styles() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'parent', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'twentyChild_styles');
Activate the child theme and have a look at the view
Now make sure you already saved style.css and functions.php. To activate this newly created child theme, login to your WordPress admin area and make sure you already have WordPress 2020 theme installed in your WordPress installation.
Otherwise you may get an error saying the parent theme is not installed.
Look for the child theme that you just created and hit the activate button. Go ahead and visit the site.
Customize the child theme
To customise the child theme what I do I simply go ahead and copy all the templates folders and files including header.php, footer.php, index.php and 404.php in my child theme from the parent theme.
This process saves me time so I won’t have to create these files and folders. I only have to change something that I do not like or add something that I want to add to my templates and child theme.
Create custom template to list blog post teasers
Create a PHP file in your child theme under /template-parts/postlist.php. you can name it whatever you want, in my case I named it postlist.php. Now copy everything from content.php which is under the same /template-parts directory and paste in newly created postlist.php.
To render excerpts, we need to make a change in our newly created templates for blog post teasers. Look for entry-content div and change full to summary like the code below.
To add default thumbnails in 2020, child theme, we simply need to open featured-image.php template under templet-parts folder and at the very bottom just add the following code and save it.
Upload the default thumbnail for your blog, copy the image file url and replace it with the default in the code.
Don’t forget to save the featured image file.
Here you have it everything that I promised in the beginning of this blog post, so we just added the read-more button, created a custom template to view our blog post, rendered it in index.php and at last we added default featured image thumbnail for the both pages and posts.
This post will help you speed up your WordPress Websites and Blogs irrespective of your hosting plan type. I just sped up my WordPress site hosted on NameCheap Shared Hosting Plan and my website is loading in just 1.5 second.
Before WordPress Page Load Optimization
Before I optimized my WordPress website, it was loading in 2.7 seconds and GTMatrix score was at D grade.
After WordPress Page Load Optimization
After optimizing my WordPress website, its page load time reduced to 1 second from 2.7 second and GTMtrix score increased to Grade A.
Watch me Speed up WordPress
WordPress Speed Optimizers
Here are few WordPress Page Load Optimization techniques that will reduce the page load time. These optimization techniques are used and tested on a shared hosting plan; please do not try them on managed hosting plans. Just kidding! You can them wherever you are. These techniques will work on any hosting plans.
Use Latest WordPress Theme that supports Block Editor
Delete/Remove Inactive WordPress Themes
Install Less Number of WordPress Plugins
Uninstall Inactive WordPress Plugins
Use A CDN Provider like Cloudflare
Use a Cache Plugin like WP Super Cache
Upgrade WordPress Core to the latest one
Serve images in webp format
Convert existing images into webp format with free plugins