In this post we will learn what are Articles, how to use its, when to use tis, and how many types are they.

What Are Articles?

Articles are words that define a noun as specific or unspecific.


A, an, the

Articles: the before general concepts

We use the before nouns which describe a general type of thing rather than a specific example of that thing:

The is also used before abstract nouns which describe a situation, a quality, process Or a change. These words are often followed by of something.

We use the development / improvement, etc. of something to describe a general process of change, but developments / improvements, etc. in something to describe specific changes

Articles: a/an before noun phrases

An elephant                                         a European

An ice-cream                                       a cat

An old man                                          a dog

An onion                                              a boy

An interesting book                              a tree

Don’t forget to include a/an before an adjective + singular noun combination.

Notice the position of adverbs (very, really, quite, etc.) in these phrases:

Some common noun phrases to be careful with:

To a certain extent / degree:

• I agree with you to a certain degree.

A wide range / variety:

• We have a wide range of books to choose from.

A (n) large / small / equal number / amount:

• An equal number of men and women.

a high / large / small / greater proportion / percentage:

• A small proportion of patients.

a long time:

• I haven’t seen her for a long time.

Thank you so much!!