What is Google Algorithm BERT update is all about and how you can recover your website and blogs from BERT hit easily without spending a lot of money.
Along site BERT
Something else happened along side BERT update that you must be aware of is website page load statics availability in Google Search Console. If your website takes longer than your competitor’s website; you must speed up your website and blog – and that is easy and cheap fix for sure.
Before BERT Recovery
Before you start recovering your website from BERT, you must know why did Google roll out such algorithm. Whether you agree with me or not! There was a problem and Google intended to fix that problem with this BERT algorithm update. And the problem was – SEO was dominating the authority content in rankings.
Here is what should care now onward..
- Your content must be written by a matter expert not just by a writer.
- Your content must proof read by a language expert not by a software.
- Your pages load faster than your competitors’
- You must use schema for each content type on your website to be featured in Google snippets results
- Your content must serve a purpose and that is solving the searcher’s intend
To Recover from BERT
Improve your content, speed up your website and increase author mentions and website mentions on the web, and try to get back links from authority site and editorials sites.
You may have to rewrite each posts and pages of your website.
Check top SERPs for a particular keyword and write or rewrite your content accordingly. Also focus on improving user experience on your website.
Focus on content creation forget SEO. I deleted many on-page SEO plugins from my WordPress site and I am still ranking as before.