In this post we will learn when Capital Letters are used, and what is Punctuation and how many are these types, how to use it’s and when to use it

Capital letters are used:

•To begin a sentence.

  For example:  He is playing hockey.

• To begin the names and surnames of persons.

For example: Sania Mirza, Mahendra Singh Dhoni.

• To begin the names of rivers, countries, cities, mountains, roads, buildings, planets (except the earth, the moon, the sun.)

For example: the Mahanadi, Indian, Bangalore, the Shivalik Hills, the Grand Trunk Road, the Red Fort, Jupiter.  

What is Punctuation?

Punctuation refers to the tools used in writing to separate sentences, phrases, and clauses so that their intended meaning is clear.

Punctuation shows:

  • Correct Grammar.
  • Good writing flow.
  • Connects ideas.

You have to practice using them well.

first :

  • let’s take a look at,
  • Using the “Period”
  •  also called, “full stop“

Use of full stop ( . )

Full stop is used to mark the end of a sentence.

For example: Punctuation is the use of full stops, commas, question marks and exclamation marks in the correct place in a sentence or a group of sentences. Punctuation helps to understand a piece of writing.

The period in the English language marks the end of sentence or it’s also used in these examples.

  • Explanation = exp.
  • Examples = ex.
  • Etcetera = etc.

• In IELTS students often make mistakes with period placement.

• It always follows the last letter of the final world in a sentence. “No Space”

• You MUST leave one space after the period, before the start of the next sentence.

• Make sure to start your next sentence with a capital letter!

Now let’s learn about  the comma ( , )

• Correct comma use can be challenging.

• Comma is a short pause or break between parts of sentences.

• When a list is written out within a sentence, items are separated by commas. The last two items are separated by and.


  1. Ram, Sham and Mohan went to see a film.

2. We bought a pen, a pencil, a color box and a bag.

3. He visited Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Gujarat.

Use of apostrophe ( ‘ )

1.In a written composition we use the full forms of words. But in speech and friendly letters we often shorten many words by using the apostrophe ( ‘ ).

The table below shows the full forms and the shortened forms:

Do notDon’tDoes notDoesn’t
Is notIsn’tHe isHe’s
I haveI’veYou haveYou’ve
She willShe’llThey willThey’ll
I amI’mWill notWon’t

2. The apostrophe is also used to show Possession.

The apostrophe ( ‘ ) is used with s to give the meaning: belongs to.

For example:  John’s book = The book belongs to John.

In the case of singular nouns and  plural nouns not ending in –s we put s after the apostrophe.

For example:  Ram’s pen, a donkey’s tail, children’s toys.

 In the case of plural nouns ending in –s we put the apostrophe after the s.

For example:  the boys’ school,  the teachers’ room.

In the case of singular nouns and  plural nouns not ending in –s we put s after the apostrophe.

For example:  Ram’s pen, a donkey’s tail, children’s toys.

 In the case of plural nouns ending in –s we put the apostrophe after the s.

For example:  the boys’ school,  the teachers’ room.

             Thank you so much!!