Future Perfect Tense

Will/Shall + have + V_3rd

When we find चूका होगा, चूका होगी, चुके होंगे  at the end of any Hindi sentence, we call it Future Perfect Tense and we use will/shall have with the 3rd form of verb.

  • By 4 P.M. they would have finished playing cricket.
  • By next month, I shall have paid all my debt.


Subject + Will/Shall + have + V_3rd + Object.


Subject + Will/Shall + NOT + have + V_3rd + Object.


Starting with KYA

Will/Shall + Subject + have + V_3rd + Object?

WH + Will/Shall + Subject + have + V_3rd + Object?

Interrogative & Negative

Starting with KYA

Will/Shall + Subject + NOT + have + V_3rd + Object?

WH + Will/Shall + Subject + NOT + have + V_3rd + Object?

I would have taken accounts in my undergraduate program instead of computers. If I already knew that account would have a better future.

I would have been eating Asian cuisine food if I was in the marriage ceremony.

Would  have   =चुका  होता  ,   लिया  होता  ,   आ  होता  .

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