install shortwave radio for ubuntu

Radio for Ubuntu 20.04 – How to install Shortwave

If you are looking a radio desktop application for your Ubuntu 20.04 then you are on the right page. And I am quickly going to help install Shortwave radio player desktop app that works like a charm on every Linux distribution.

But this guide is will help with Ubuntu 20.04 and above installation. Let’s dive in…

Update your Ubuntu system

sudo apt update

Install flatpak on Ubuntu 20.04

flatpak is contain based app store for Linux OS. First we need to install flatpak and then shortwave ratio app.

sudo apt install flatpak

Now, you need to reboot your system.


Install Shortwave Radio

flatpak install flathub de.haeckerfelix.Shortwave

To run/launch Shortwave Radio

flatpak run de.haeckerfelix.Shortwave

You can manually search for Shortwave and launch it too.