In this post I going to show you how to loop and iterate object keys and values from JavaScript Objects. I am going to use for of and for in loops and Object.key() and Object.entries() to demonstrate the example code.
JavaScript Object
Here is the JavaScript Object that I’ll be using throughout the post.
const Car = {
model: "2000",
make: "Ford",
seats: "6",
color: "White"
Using for of and Object.entries()
The following code demonstrate how you can print out JavaScript Object keys and values using for of, Object.entries and array destructure.
for(const [k,v] of Object.entries(Car)){
console.log(k+" "+v);
// model 2000
// make Ford
// seats 6
// color White
Using for of and Object.keys()
The following code demonstrate how you can print out JavaScript Object keys with the help of for of and Object.keys().
for(const key of Object.keys(Car)){
// model
// make
// seats
// color
Using forEach and Object.entries()
You can use following code to print out JavaScript Object keys and values, which uses forEach loop and Object.entries().
console.log(`${k}: ${v} `)
} )
// model: 2000
// make: Ford
// seats: 6
// color: White
Using forEach and Object.keys()
The code below will print out JavaScript Object keys only and that uses forEach loop and Object.keys().
Object.keys(Car).forEach((k)=> console.log(k))
// model
// make
// seats
// color
Using for in loop
Here is another way to loop through JavaScript Objects and print out key, value pair, that uses for in loop.
for (const k in Car) {
console.log(`${k} : ${Car[k]}`);
// model : 2000
// make : Ford
// seats : 6
// color : White
That’s it for this post, please let other know which one did you like the most so that people can engage and learn more.
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