Loop & Display Shopify Metaobject Entries and associated metafields

With Shopify’s Liquid, you cannot directly iterate over metaobjects and its associated metafields using a for loop, to access metaobject entries and withing entries its product and collection objects. However, first you must create metaobjects and metafields. Associate theme with product or page metafields.

I have created a metaobject and added few entries and associated it with product metafields. And trying to display the data objects on a custom template based on default product tempate.

Using Custom Liquid block in Dawn theme to understand how metaobects’ entires and associate metafields’ objects are accessed.

{% assign objects =  product.metafields.custom.bundle_objects.value %}

{% for obj in objects %}

// loop over metaobject entities
{% for pt in obj.small_pack.value %}
  {{pt}} <br>
{% endfor %}

// loop over product to access product objects
{% assign productbun = obj.bundle_product_link.value %}

<a href="{{productbun.url}}"> {{ productbun.title }}</a>

// loop over collection to access collection objects
{% for bc in obj.bundle_collections.value %}
   <a href="{{bc.url}}"> {{ bc.title }}</a>
{% endfor %}

{{ obj.small_pack.bundle_product_link.value}}

{% endfor %}