There are lots of downloadable links on your websites and blogs that are not being monetized or somewhat under monetized. If your website or blog is ranking for any downloadable software or any other sort of media and you want to monetize your traffic then this post will help you quickly monetize your pages with download traffic on the web.

This monetization method would be based on geographical location of your visitors that means if your visitor happens to be from a rich country then you will get more money.


Don’t worry if your website is already monetized with other monetization platforms like adsense, adsmobi,, adcash and etc.

You’ll still be able to monetize your download links on your pages and make some extra bucks and get it transferred to your back account on monthly basis.

Monetize Your Facebook Pages and Groups

If you have Facebook page or Facebook group that you would like to monetize this works too. Simply sign up for this awesome site, create links and start making money from your FB fan pages and groups.

Monetize Your YouTube Channel and Videos

There are a lot of YouTubers that are struggling to make money from your videos that simply don’t yet qualify for Google Adsense. But don’t worry; if you have download traffic on your YouTube videos and would like to make money from your YouTube videos then this website will help you monetize your YouTube videos.

To monetize your YouTube traffic: all you have to do is – just sing up for this website and create links, and put it in your video description and you are done.

Monetize Your Forum Traffic

If you would like to make money for your forum profile and answers then this website will help you monetize your forum reputation. Just sign up, create links and put this in your forum profile and answers.