When we find (chuka hai, chuke hai, chuki hai, gya hai, gyi hai, gye hai) at the end of hindi sentences, we call them Present perfect tense.

With Singular Subjects : has + V3 (He, She, It, a noun)

With Plural Subjects: have + V3 (we, I, you, they, one and two)

Affirmative Sentences

SUB + has/have + V3 = Object.

Negative Sentences

SUB + has/have + NOT + V3 = Object.

Interrogative Sentences

Starting with KYA

Has/Have + Subject + V3 + Object?

WH family.. (What, when, why, how, who, where)

WH + Has/Have + Subject + V3 + Object?

Negative & Interrogative Sentences

Starting with KYA

Has/Have + Subject + NOT + V3 + Object?

WH family.. (What, when, why, how, who, where)

WH + Has/Have + Subject + NOT + V3 + Object?