Admob Mediation with Facebook Audience Network

Admob Mediation with Facebook Audience Network setup on Flutter Android App This post will help you with Admob mediation with Facebook Audience Network bidding setup on my flutter app. I tried many a times setting Admob mediation with Facebook Audience Network with the help of Flutter plugins, followed many YouTube videos and posts but did […]

Add Facebook Audience Network Banner Ad to Flutter App

I am going to add facebook_audience_network flutter plugin with the following command. I am planning to add banner ad to details screen; after installing facebook ad plugin to my flutter app now I can import its code my details screen like below. To serve ads I need to create StatefulWidget. You will have to change […]

Deploy Flutter App with Android Studio

Sign Flutter App in Android Studio Launch Flutter app with Android Studio Click Tools > Flutter > Open for Editing in Android Studio Let it load the build tools Click Build > Generate Signed Bundle/APK Click Next to Generate Sign App Key Select Release and click Finish Keep key name and password handy Create […]

Removing the contains ads label from the google play store

If you have decided not display ads to your app users then you can disable Contains Ads Label from Google Play Store. Login to Google Play Console Select the App, you want to disable ads on Click Policy on the bottom left Click App Content under Policy Under Ads section Click Manage Select No, my […]

The Sims Freeplay: get married and have a baby

Well, it’s not possible to get unlimited simoleons in Sims Freeplay but if you would like to get married and have a baby then follow along. Please let the world know your baby name in the comment below. Good Day Ahead!!