Category Archives: VIM

How to Install Nerdtree on vim with nerdtreetoggle

In Vim, NERDTree is a popular plugin that provides a file system explorer within the Vim interface, allowing you to navigate and manage files and directories directly from your text editor. The NERDTreeToggle command is used to show or hide the NERDTree file explorer window. Here’s why you might want to use NERDTree along with NERDTreeToggle:

Install NERDTree first

Error detected while processing VimEnter Autocommands for “*”: E492: Not an editor command: NERDTree

Make sure you have installed NERDTree before you start setting up NERDTreeToggle on your VIM.

If you have vim version 8.* then you can use inbuilt package manager to install NERDTree on your vim.

sudo apt install git vim

Once you have git and vim on your system, you should clone NERDTRee on your system with git

Clone NEDTree with git

git clone ~/.vim/pack/vendor/start/nerdtree

Install NERDTree with VIM package manager

vim -u NONE -c "helptags ~/.vim/pack/vendor/start/nerdtree/doc" -c q

Update .vimrc for NERDTreeToggle

" NERDTree configuration
nnoremap <F2> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>

" Automatically open NERDTree when Vim starts (optional)
autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree

  1. Convenient File Navigation: NERDTree makes it easy to navigate through your project’s file structure without leaving the Vim environment. This can be especially helpful when you need to switch between different files or directories frequently.
  2. Visual Representation: NERDTree provides a visual representation of your project’s file structure in a sidebar, making it easier to locate and open files compared to using Vim’s built-in file navigation commands.
  3. File Operations: With NERDTree, you can perform various file operations (e.g., creating, deleting, moving, copying files) directly from the file explorer window, simplifying file management tasks.
  4. Project Management: NERDTree is useful for working on larger projects with multiple files and directories. You can quickly see the project’s structure and navigate to different parts of your project without relying solely on the command line.
  5. Customization: NERDTree is highly customizable. You can configure it to fit your workflow, define custom shortcuts, and adapt it to your specific needs.

Using NERDTreeToggle is a common way to toggle the visibility of the NERDTree file explorer, allowing you to hide it when you don’t need it and bring it back when you do. Here’s how you can set it up in your .vimrc:

" NERDTree configuration
nnoremap <F2> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>

" Automatically open NERDTree when Vim starts (optional)
autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree

In the example above, pressing <F2> in normal mode will toggle the NERDTree file explorer’s visibility. You can replace <F2> with any key combination you prefer.

The decision to use NERDTree and NERDTreeToggle depends on your workflow and preferences. Some Vim users prefer to work exclusively within Vim’s built-in file navigation commands, while others find NERDTree to be a valuable tool for managing files and directories within Vim. Experiment with it and see if it enhances your productivity and fits your editing style.

Why a Minimalist vimrc for VIM

A minimalist .vimrc file is a configuration file for the Vim text editor that contains only essential settings and customizations. The goal of a minimalist .vimrc file is to keep Vim simple and fast while still providing a personalized and efficient editing environment. Here are some reasons why someone might choose to have a minimalist .vimrc file:

  1. Performance: Vim is known for its speed and efficiency. By keeping your .vimrc file minimal, you ensure that Vim loads quickly and doesn’t consume unnecessary resources. This is especially important for users who work on remote servers or older computers.
  2. Simplicity: Vim’s default settings are quite powerful, and many users find that they don’t need to add a lot of customizations to be productive. A minimalist .vimrc file promotes simplicity and avoids clutter.
  3. Portability: If you frequently switch between different machines or accounts, having a minimalist .vimrc file makes it easier to maintain consistency in your Vim setup. You can quickly copy your minimal configuration to new environments without worrying about conflicts or dependencies.
  4. Focus on Essentials: By only including essential settings and key mappings in your .vimrc, you can focus on the features and customizations that truly improve your workflow. This can make you a more efficient and proficient Vim user.
  5. Learn Vim’s Default Behavior: Vim has a steep learning curve, and some users prefer to start with the default settings to fully understand Vim’s built-in features before adding customizations. A minimalist .vimrc file encourages this approach.
  6. Avoiding Bloat: Adding too many plugins and customizations can lead to a bloated .vimrc file and a more complex editing environment. Some users prefer to avoid this complexity and rely on Vim’s core functionality.
  7. Flexibility: A minimalist .vimrc file is a great starting point. Users can gradually add additional settings and plugins as they discover specific needs, ensuring that their Vim setup remains tailored to their workflow.

Here’s an example of what a minimalist .vimrc file might look like:

set autoindent             
set expandtab              
set softtabstop=2         
set shiftwidth=4         
set shiftround             
set backspace=indent,eol,start  
set hidden                 
set laststatus=2         
set display=lastline  
set showmode               
set showcmd                
set incsearch              
set hlsearch               
set ttyfast                
set lazyredraw             
set splitbelow             
set splitright             
set cursorline             
set wrapscan               
set report=0         
set synmaxcol=200       
set list 
set number    

This minimal configuration includes some fundamental settings for line numbering, syntax highlighting, indentation preferences, and line wrapping while avoiding more advanced customizations or plugin integrations. Users can then build upon this foundation as needed.

Ultimately, the choice of whether to have a minimalist .vimrc file or a more extensive one depends on your personal preferences, workflow, and the specific tasks you perform with Vim.