If you are getting following error on your Windows OS then chances are that you have some php and mysql configuration issues. I was getting Uncaught Error Call to undefined function mysql_connect() on my Windows 10 and had XAMPP and PHP8 installed additionally and my additional PHP8 was set to the system’s path.

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To fix this error; I had to remove additional php8 from system’s variable path and set xampp php folder to the Path and restart the server.

Uncaught Error Call to undefined function mysql_connect(),

uncaught error: call to undefined function wordpress,

uncaught error: call to undefined function pg_connect xampp,

uncaught error call to undefined function required,

uncaught error call to undefined function mysql_real_escape_string(),

uncaught error: call to undefined function mysql_query(),

uncaught error call to undefined function mysql_connect(),

uncaught error call to undefined function mysql_connect wp,

call to undefined function mysql_real_escape_string php 7
