This post helps you install gnome dash_to_dock extension that lets you position gnome dock on top, right, bottom and left of your screen and also keeps it visible all the time.
Install gnome-extension first
First you must install gnome-extension if you already don’t have it.
Launch your preferred terminal and run the following command with your linux distro installer command.
sudo apt install gnome-extensions
sudo zypper install gnome-extensions
Launch gnome-extensions
open url in firefox and look for dash to dock
install it, enable and customize it
Customize Gnome Dock
To customize gnome dock, you must install dash to dock gnome extension first and then install dash to dock
This post will guide you through the process of enabling and starting mariadb server on opensuse tumbleween and leap and setting up password for the existing root password.
Check the status of your mariadb no your opensuse
systemctl status mariadb.service
start mariadb.service
systemctl enable mariadb.service
systemctl start mariadb.service
systemctl status mariadb.service
Login to mariadb with sudo
Login into mariadb with sudo to alter password for the root user
Update mariadb root password
ALTER USER root@localhost BY 'password';
exit of mariadb to try new password for root user on mariadb on OpenSuse Tumbleweed and Leaps
Login with updated password to mariadb
To login into mariadb with updated password for root user, try the following command
mariadb -u root -p
when promoted to enter password, enter your newly updated password and you should be in mariadb.