WordPress 5.3: Installation & New Features

This post will cover WordPress 5.3 local installation on Windows 10 and after installing WordPress locally, I’l go over most of the newly add Gutenberg blocks in WordPress 5.3. We’ll also go over WP Twenty Twenty theme and wind up with Google Chrome LightHouse audit.

Watch me install WordPress 5.3 on YouTube

Download WordPress 5.3

Extract it and put in htdocs folder

After downloading WordPress 5.3, extract it and put in the htdocs folder. I have named wp53 for WordPress 5.3 installation.

Created a MySQL database

I am using phpmyadmin to create MySQL database but if you are using Command Prompt to create a database.. Good luck with it..


Let’s install WordPress 5.3

Launch your preferred browser and navigate to the WordPress 5.3 folder in htdocs directory and hit enter on your keyboard.


Select you language and click “Continue”, now enter database name, username, password, host name, table prefix.

Now, go with positive options.

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