How to Install Dash to Dock gnome Extension

gnome dock on the left

This post helps you install gnome dash_to_dock extension that lets you position gnome dock on top, right, bottom and left of your screen and also keeps it visible all the time. Install gnome-extension first First you must install gnome-extension if you already don’t have it. Launch your preferred terminal and run the following command with […]

Start Mariadb Server on OpenSuse w/ root

This post will guide you through the process of enabling and starting mariadb server on opensuse tumbleween and leap and setting up password for the existing root password. Check the status of your mariadb no your opensuse start mariadb.service Login to mariadb with sudo Login into mariadb with sudo to alter password for the root […]

List of Sorting Algorithms w/ Code Examples in Python and Ruby

There are numerous sorting algorithms, each with its own characteristics and advantages depending on the specific requirements and constraints of a given problem. Here is a list of some common sorting algorithms: These are just some of the many sorting algorithms available. The choice of which algorithm to use depends on factors such as the […]

How to Install Nerdtree on vim with nerdtreetoggle

In Vim, NERDTree is a popular plugin that provides a file system explorer within the Vim interface, allowing you to navigate and manage files and directories directly from your text editor. The NERDTreeToggle command is used to show or hide the NERDTree file explorer window. Here’s why you might want to use NERDTree along with […]

Why a Minimalist vimrc for VIM

minimalist vimrc

A minimalist .vimrc file is a configuration file for the Vim text editor that contains only essential settings and customizations. The goal of a minimalist .vimrc file is to keep Vim simple and fast while still providing a personalized and efficient editing environment. Here are some reasons why someone might choose to have a minimalist […]

How to Install Chess Titans on Windows 10

Chess Titans was a popular chess game that was included with earlier versions of Windows, such as Windows 7. However, it is not available in Windows 10. Microsoft replaced Chess Titans with Microsoft Chess in Windows 10. If you want to play chess on Windows 10, you can follow these steps to install and play […]

Install Create Drupal Project on Ubuntu

Install git-hub and set it up Setup githug Install Latest Versoin of php & unzip Install Composer composer should run on your terminal now. Enable php extensions for drupal Create drupal product with composer Install Drush

How to install php extensions for Drupal on Ubuntu

Make sure you have install php-cli php-common php-mysql, before enabling required php extensions for Drupal on Ubuntu, Debian or Mint. You don’t need add version of PHP in fron of all the extensions unless you have multiple versions of php installed on your system. Just run the following commond, you can add all that I […]

Change WordPress Admin Login Logo

Customizing the WordPress admin login page can serve several purposes and provide various benefits for website owners and administrators. Here are some reasons why you might want to customize the WordPress login page: To customize the WordPress login page, you can use various methods, including custom CSS, themes, plugins, and code modifications. It’s essential to […]