Which nouns don’t have plural form?

In this post we are going to learn some nouns which don’t have plural form? And in this post will also learn how to use these nouns in a sentence? Some nouns in English are ‘uncountable’. This means they do not have a plural form. Some common uncountable nouns are: Advice, advertising, work, food, furniture, […]

Mother Tongue Influence Neutralization

If you got the mother tongue influence (MTI) and would like to neutralize your accent so that you can easily be understood by foreigner, appear for interviews, exams, etcetera, and feel comfortable amongst your friends; then I offer one month MTI removal/neutralization course that teaches you English language phonetics and trains your tongue too. But […]

संस्कृत वर्णों के उच्चारण स्थान

संस्कृत वर्णों के उच्चारण स्थान कण्ठः अ, क, ख, ग, घ, अःतालु इ, च, छ, ज, झ, य, शमूर्धा ऋ, ट, ठ, ड, ढ, र, षदन्त लृ, त, थ, द, ध, सओष्ठ उ, प, फ, ब, भ, व, फनासिका ञ, म, ङ, ण, नकण्ठ तालु ए, ऐकण्ठ ओष्ठ ओ, औदन्त ओष्ठ व

४२ प्रत्याहाराः

माहेश्वर सुत्र से बने 42 प्रत्यहार जो संध्याद मे प्रयोग होतें हैं। निम्नलिखित १४ माहेश्वर सूत्र हैं। इनमें पूरी वर्णमाला इस प्रकार दी हुई है- क्रमश: स्वर, अन्तःस्थ, वर्ग के पंचम, चतुर्थ, तृतीय, द्वितीय, प्रथम वर्ण, ऊष्म । माहेश्वर सुत्र १. अइउण्२. ऋलृक्३. एओङ्४. ऐऔच्५. हयवरट्६. लण्७. ञमङणनम्८. झभञ्९. घढधष्१०. जबगडदश्११. खफछठथचटतव्१२. कपय्१३. शषसर्१४. हल् […]

Google Merchant Product Feed From Shopify & WooCommerce

google merchant listing

Here is a quick overview of how to upload or sync products from WooCommerce and Shopify to Google Merchant Center and auto update periodically. But before you start setting up your store with Google merchant center – you must have installed product merchant JSON-LD or product schema on your store on all product pages. Also […]

Food Related Collocational Words

List of collocational world for food that is the most used word around the world. If you want to become an advanced level English writer or speaker then consider reading Food Collocational words and most importantly start using them in your day to day English Speaking and Writing. Good luck!! 🙂 Delicious Food  Excellent Food […]

Saving git credentials name email and token

Let’s quickly save git name, email and token on Linuxmint or Ubuntu or any other unix terminal based system to use it again and again and again. To create token Launch your terminal and get started.. Make you sure you have your git account credential and also have created your git token.

English Adjectives and Adverbs

This post will get you antiquated with the uses of English adjectives and adverbs in your day to day life. We use an adverb, not an adjective to say how something happened or was done I’ve always greatly enjoyed his novels. (not great enjoyed. The people who work in that shop always politely no customers […]

Install Ruby on Rails 7 on Linuxmint

install ruby on rails 7 on linuxmint

If you would like to try Ruby on Rails 7 with Ruby 3 on Linuxmint 20.03, I am quickly going to demonstrate how to install Ruby, Node, NPM, Yarn, git, build essentials, Ruby on Rails 7 and all other required packages and also will create the demo Rails app and run the Rails server and […]