host multiple wordpress on cloud

EasyEngine to Install Multiple WordPress Sites on Ubuntu or Debian Server

This post will help install multiple WordPress sites, blogs and stores with EasyEngine on your choice of Cloud Hosting service provider. In the process, you will realize that installing and managing WordPress on the Cloud is much easier than you might have imagined of.

Your server does not need to have any package preinstalled and preconfigured. You just need to have barebone server instance running on your cloud disk. This is why people love using EasyEngine to install and manage WordPress sites.

Enough.. Let’s talk business now!

EasyEngine is available for Ubuntu and Debian Server and Desktops yet.. So don’t try on and waste your time installing it on other linux distros.

SIGN up for cloud hosting server

This blogpost instruction is going to work on any native cloud service providers like DigitalOcean, Linode, Upcloud and other similar cloud hosting providers.

If you have not yet signed up for any cloud hosting then I have $100 coupon for DigitalOcean for 6 months.

If you do not like DigitalOcean for whatever reason you can sign up for which is another managed cloud hosting for wordpress and other CMSes too.

I personally use many Cloud Hosting service providers, DigitalOcean, Linode, and Upcloud too.

All are just fine, a lot depends on how you have installed and configured your server and WordPress.

Create your server instance

Once you have sighed up for your favorite cloud hosting company. Now, its time to create server instance and install Linux distro (Ubuntu or Debian) and finally choose where you want host your server; host your server where you think your audience is.

Login as root via SSH or Putty

Take your IP address and login with root username and root password with SSh or putty.

Run the following commands to configure your Ubuntu.

apt update && apt upgrade -y
apt install -y ufw
ufw allow ssh
ufw allow http
ufw allow https
ufw enable

Create a New User 

Run the following commands to create a new user with sudo privilege.

Replace name with your preferred user name

adduser name
usermod -aG sudo name

Login with new user via SSH ro Putty

Logout and log back in with your new username and password for Ubuntu 

Install easyengine

wget -qO ee && sudo bash ee

Add A records to your domain DNS

Copy ip4 address of your server and add A records


Install & configure WordPress

Run the following command to install and configure php, database, NGNIX, WordPress, Letsencrypt, Radis and all that in just few minutes.

ahhahaa… peace of mind 🙂

Replace domain name and other credentials with your own ones.

sudo ee site create --type=wp --ssl=le --cache --dbuser=dbUserName --dbname=MyBlogName --admin-user=adminUserName --admin-pass=wpAdminPassword [email protected]

Install Another WordPress site with ee

To install and manage multiple WordPress sites, blogs and Stores; you just need to run this following command with your new WordPress site info. That’s it..

You can check other installation options available with ee 4 below and also can install CloudFlare CDN. To configure CF CND just scroll down for instruction.

sudo ee site create --type=wp --ssl=le --cache --dbuser=dbUserName --dbname=MyBlogName --admin-user=adminUserName --admin-pass=wpAdminPassword [email protected]

EasyEngine Install Options

Here are some other installation options for EasyEngine for WordPress on Ubuntu and Debian. That you can try. For more you can visit documentation page.

ee site info --type=wp <site-name> [--cache] [--vip] [--mu=<subdir>] [--mu=<subdom>] [--title=<title>] [--admin-user=<admin-user>] [--admin-pass=<admin-pass>] [--admin-email=<admin-email>] [--local-db] [--with-local-redis] [--php=<php-version>] [--dbname=<dbname>] [--dbuser=<dbuser>] [--dbpass=<dbpass>] [--dbhost=<dbhost>] [--dbprefix=<dbprefix>] [--dbcharset=<dbcharset>] [--dbcollate=<dbcollate>] [--skip-check] [--version=<version>] [--skip-content] [--skip-install] [--skip-status-check] [--ssl=<value>] [--wildcard] [--yes] [--force]

Adding CloudFlare CDN

If you want to add CloudFlare CDN with EasyEngine and then you need to add your domain to CloudFlare first and take cloudflare api key. .

sudo ee config set le-mail [email protected]
sudo ee config set cloudflare-api-key a;jskjd;23423412;ljdf

Replace email address and cloudflare api key with yours’.

Install Multiple WordPress Sites on Digital Ocean

5 WordPress sites on one VPS Server

I have installed 6 WordPress sites on Digital Ocean and all of them run faster than any shared web hosting servers out there. I have tried all the best shared linux web hosting services like SiteGround, inMotion, A2Hostin and etc.

To install multiple WordPress sites on your Digital Ocean server follow this post

  1. Host Multiple WordPress on VPS Server