
Nakshatra App For Vedic Astrology

There are 27 nakshatras in Vedic astrology, here is a list of all nakshatras listed below. To learn more about them you can install my Nakshatra Android App.

  1. Ashvini
  2. Bharani
  3. Krittika
  4. Rohini
  5. Mrigashīrsha
  6. Ardra
  7. Punarvasu
  8. Pushya
  9. Āshleshā
  10. Maghā
  11. Pūrva Phalgunī
  12. Uttara Phalgunī
  13. Hasta
  14. Chitra
  15. Swāti
  16. Vishakha
  17. Anuradha
  18. Jyeshtha
  19. Mula
  20. Purva Ashadha
  21. Uttara Ashadha
  22. Sravana
  23. Dhanishta
  24. Shatabhisha
  25. Purva Bhadrapada
  26. Uttara Bhādrapadā
  27. Revati

You can learn about each Nakshatras and all the planets in the Nakshatra one by one.

Ashwini Nakshatra

# 1

falls in Aries 0.00-13.20

Gender Male

pada1 0.00 – 3.20, ruled by Mars

pada2 3.20 – 6.40, ruled by Venus

pada3 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by Mercury

pada4 10.00 – 13.20, ruled by Moon

keywords Self Help, DIY, Solutions

nadi Vata, Ether(air & space)

symbol Horse Head

lord Ketu ruled by Ganesha

deity Ashwini Kumara

caste Merchant

aim Dharma, right activities

direction South

element Earth

sounds Chu, Che, Cho, La

power Healing

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Ashwani ascendant:

Vitality, spontaneous, initiator, intelligent, short height, sportive, strong, appealing, charismatic, stylish, lavish, innocent.

Ashwani sun 

Exalted Sun, confident, strive for higher position, though they know it is not true happiness, supportive father, career in medical fields and government, leader, ego.

Ashwani moon 

Mysterious, religious, occult, courageous, proactive, metaphysical healer, selfless caring, Accomplishments, researcher.

Ashwani mercury 

Good driver, likes travelling, curious about metaphysical world, researcher, careful communicator, spiritual realization in later in life.

Ashwani venus

Income through the interest towards occult and metaphysical world, however interested medical profession, researcher, pet lover, knowledgeable.

Ashwani mars

Bold, determined, quick action taker, delivers before deadline, surgeon, veterinary practitioner, aggressive, impulsive.

Ashwani saturn

Longevity, poverty, health issue in family, some financial gains after 19, intelligent, intellectual, lean body, short temper, career in food, forest, agriculture

Ashwani jupiter

Metaphysical knowledge, curious and researcher, teacher and healer, pet healer, pet lover, teacher at veterinary college, spiritual and mystical.

Ashwani rahu

Childhood health issue, good physique, witty, intelligent, religious, knowledgeable, extramarital, good relation with mother.

Ashwani ketu

Alternative medicine, occult, metaphysics, surgeon, veterinary practitioner, researcher, like to serve animals. mentaly or physically separated in relationship.

Bharini Nakshatra

# 2

falls in Aries 13.20-26.40

Gender Female

pada1 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by Sun

pada2 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by Mercury

pada3 20.00 – 23.20, ruled by Venus

pada4 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by Mars

keywords Workaholic, Responsibility

nadi Pitta, heat, fire, energy

symbol Yoni

lord Venus ruled by Lakshmi

deity Yama

caste Outcast

aim Artha, material prosperity

direction West

element Earth

sounds Lee, Lu, Lay, Lo

power Removing

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Bharini ascendant

Good health, medium height, hardworking, courageous, proud, pioneer, likes sports, hunting and firework.

Bharini sun

Exalted Sun, intelligent, leader, authority, fighter, tactful, anger, pride, name, and fame.

Bharini moon

Charismatic, attractive, leader, dutiful, smart worker, investigative mind, healer, likes occult science.

Bharini mercury

Energetic and passionate speaker, relationship, dating expert, and match maker, authors, comedian and actors too.

Bharini venus

Fasion, design, beauty, foodie, sensual, strong sex desire.

Bharini mars

Will power, courage, action taker, aggressive, anger, fighter, strong sex drive.

Bharini saturn

Debilitated saturn, problems in relationship with parents, good in the fields of construction and manufacturing.

Bharini jupiter

Knowledge through relationships and sensuality. Creative, designer, passionate teacher.

Bharini rahu

Nurturing and caring, practices yama and niyama.

Bharini ketu

Detached in relationships, no sexual desire, doesn’t know how to express.

Kritika Nakshatra

# 3

falls in Aries 26.40 – Taurus 10.00

Gender Male

pada1 26.40 – Taurus 0.00, ruled by Jupiter

pada2 0.00 – 3.20, ruled by Saturn

pada3 3.20 – 6.40, ruled by Saturn

pada4 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by Jupiter

keywords Generation, Burning Energy, Fire

nadi Sleshma, Kapha, Mucus

symbol Flame

lord Sun ruled by Shiva

deity Agni

caste Brahmin

aim Kama, desire

direction North

element Earth

sounds Ah, Ee, Oo, Ay

power Burning

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Kritika ascendant

Superior, proud, honorable, ambitious, skillful, wealthy, truthful.

Kritika sun

Spiritual warrior, disciplined, leadership, power over the masses, issues with authority figures.

Kritika moon

Brilliant appearance, peaceful loving, famous, good adviser, strong willed, determined, intelligent, artistic.

Kritika mercury

Learned and an expert in various religious scriptures May be a successful businessman, philanthropist

Kritika venus

Love for music, fashion, apparel, beauty industries, and other fine arts

Kritika mars

Independent, have good fighting ability, expert in handling weapons or explosives, romantic, high sex drive, easily excited, desirous.

Kritika saturn

Impatient, agriculture profession, polygamy

Kritika jupiter

Brilliant mystic, seer, and spiritual teacher, Have interest in historical literature, famous, wealthy, noble, truthful, and well educated.

Kritika rahu

Rahu in Krittika can be either constructive or destructive.

Kritika ketu

Spiritual, Altruistic

Rohini Nakshatra

# 4

falls in Taurus 10.00-23.20

Gender Female

pada1 10.00 – 13.20, ruled by Mars

pada2 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by Venus

pada3 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by Mercury

pada4 20.00 – 23.20,ruled by Moon

keywords Growth, Mr. or Ms. Popular,

nadi Sleshma, Kapha, Mucus

symbol Cart; Chariot

lord Moon ruled by Parvati

deity Brahma

caste Shudra

aim Moksha, spiritual liberation

direction East

element Earth

sounds Oh, Va, Vi, Vu

power Growing

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Rohini ascendant

Attractive eyes, popular, romantic, artistic, expressive, sexually addictive.

Rohini sun

Seductive, beautiful, poetic, musical gift, likeable, artistic.

Rohini moon

Singer, lovely appearance, wealthy, balanced mind, and famous.

Rohini mercury

Imaginative and creative mind, emotional, intelligent, can clearly express through art, design, decoration, interest in beauty and fashion.

Rohini venus

Peaceful, joyful, sensual, good appearance.

Rohini mars

Desire for pleasure and comfort, passionate in love and relationship, active in social circle, and likeable.

Rohini saturn

Realistic, materialistic, grounded, healthy.

Rohini jupiter

Love for creative art forms, culture, and history, Foodie, higher learning and spiritual.

Rohini rahu

Desire for materialistic comfort and pleasure, relentlessness in relationship.

Rohini ketu

Ketu is uncomfortable in rohini due to differing nature to attaining Moksha.

Mrigasira Nakshatra

# 5

falls in Taurus 23.20 – Gemini 6.40

Gender Neutral

pada1 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by Sun

pada2 26.40 – Gemini 0.00, ruled by Mercury

pada3 0.00 – 3.20, ruled by Venus

pada4 3.20 – 6.40, ruled by Mars

keywords Networking, Social Media

nadi Pitta, heat, fire, energy

symbol Deer Head

lord Mars ruled by Muruga/Kartikey

deity Soma/Chandra

caste Farmer

aim Moksha, spiritual liberation

direction South

element Earth

sounds Ve, Vo, Ka, Kee

power Enjoying

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Mrigasira ascendant

Truth seeker, talkative, daring, loves to travel, attractive, seductive, systical, good communicator.

Mrigasira sun

Jack of all trades, creative, authoritative, poetic, competitive, courageous, adventurous and architect.

Mrigasira moon

Soft spoken, close to mother, gentle, tender, peaceful, intelligent, self-sacrifice.

Mrigasira mercury

Nervous, restless, curious, quick, calligrapher.

Mrigasira venus

Loves poetry, dance, music. foodie, erotic love affairs, spiritual, truthful.

Mrigasira mars

Stubborn, courageous, passionate, sex drive, risk taker, determined.

Mrigasira saturn

Inefficient at work, arrogant, cunning, stubborn, seeks spiritually.

Mrigasira jupiter

Higher knowledgeable, intelligent, handsome, truthful, enjoys wealth, traveler, researcher, prosperity and luxury, spiritual.

Mrigasira rahu

Explores materialistic pleasure, intellectual, inner truth seeker.

Mrigasira ketu

intellectual, life purpose seeker, materialistic Entanglement, self-realization.

Ardra Nakshatra

# 6

falls in Gemini 6.40-20.00

Gender Female

pada1 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by Jupiter

pada2 10.00 – 13.20, ruled by Saturn

pada3 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by Saturn

pada4 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by Jupiter

keywords Freshness, Metabolism, Innoventive

nadi Aadi

symbol Teardrop; Diamond; Human Head

lord Rahu ruled by Durga

deity Rudra

caste Butcher

aim Kama, desire

direction West

element Water

sounds Ku, Gha, Nga, Jhar

power Achieving

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Ardra ascendant

Large face, curly hair, anger turns face red in color, sometimes absent-minded, good memory, quick and haste response, extreme changes in life.

Ardra sun

Confusion in career and other life matters, issues with father, authorities, and bosses, emotional storms.

Ardra moon

Indecisive, chaotic circumstances, illusions in life, nightmares, fear; spiritual growth. Positive, foreign land.

Ardra mercury

Psychologist, life coach, crime reporter and investigator, arms dealers, foreign languages, software programmer.

Ardra venus

Stock market gains, career options in fields of floods, earthquakes, disaster management. Public service, teacher and counselor.

Ardra mars

Violent, aggressive, abusive, scattered actions, soldiers in fight, doctor at distress center.

Ardra saturn

Career in alternative medicine, medical field, medical discovery or technology. Slow mental disorder, stress recovery if any.

Ardra jupiter

Counselor and life coaches, rigid, doctor, scientist, instabilities in relationships. Prolonged chaos and turmoil.

Ardra rahu

Things may turn good or bad, divides others, takes and gives unexpected things in life, backbiters.

Ardra ketu

Experts or guide for chaotic situations, instabilities, relationship, global fights, certain natural disaster.

Punarvasu Nakshatra

# 7

falls in Gemini 20.00 – Cancer 3.20

Gender Male

pada1 20.00 – 23.20, ruled by Mars

pada2 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by Venus

pada3 26.40 – 30.00, ruled by Mercury

pada4 30.00 – Cancer 3.20, ruled by Moon

keywords Renewal, Recycling

nadi Vata, Ether(air & space)

symbol Bow; Potter Wheel; House

lord Jupiter ruled by Shiva

deity Aditi/mother of Gods

caste Merchant

aim Artha, material prosperity

direction North

element Water

sounds Ke, Ko, Ha, Hi

power Revitalising

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Punarvasu ascendant

Charitable, Social, successful business person.

Punarvasu sun

Famous, purifying, cleansing, great intellectual, great communicator, social status.

Punarvasu moon

Religious, self-controlled, indecisive, introvert, determined.

Punarvasu mercury

Thinker, intelligent, soft-spoken, writing and self-publishing, clear voice, practical.

Punarvasu venus

Fun loving, likes to wear gems and golden Jewelleries, poetic, acting.

Punarvasu mars

Action taker, goal oriented, self-motivated, aggressive, active, enthusiastic, freedom.

Punarvasu saturn

Relearning of new good habits through circumstances. Obstacles, destruction, unhappiness.

Punarvasu jupiter

Religious believes, ritual traditions, wisdom, Philosophical, inspirational, charitable and spiritual.

Punarvasu rahu

Needs mothers’ affection, loves others, is in search of true identity through his/her wandering mind..

Punarvasu ketu

Gradual awareness towards peace and happiness through spiritual identification.

Pushya Nakshatra

# 8

falls in Cancer 3.20 – 16.40

Gender Male

pada1 3.20 – 6.40, ruled by Sun

pada2 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by Mercury

pada3 10.00 – 13.20, ruled by Venus

pada4 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by Mars

keywords Guru, Flourished

nadi Pitta, heat, fire, energy

symbol Cow Udder; Flower; Arrow; Circle

lord Saturn ruled by Hanuman

deity Brihaspati/guru of Gods

caste Warrior

aim Dharma, right activities

direction East

element Water

sounds Hu, He, Ho, Da

power Creates Spiritual Energy

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Pushya ascendant

Nourishing, Nurturing, caring, knowledgeable, motherly, generous, compassion, soberness, optimistic, enjoys materialism, reliable, dependable; negative, lethargic, unfocused, befooled easily, easily trust others.

Pushya sun

Wealthy, authoritative, sensitive, artistic, political, successful yet insecure.

Pushya moon

Balanced and composed mind, likeable, mature, political views, virtuous, wealthy.

Pushya mercury

Medical industry, healer, teacher, counselor, indecisive for themselves, emotional, communicator.

Pushya venus

Selfless in relationships, compromising, teacher, counselor, healer, public service, child care & orphanage.

Pushya mars

Debilitated Mars, Doctor, surgeon, indecisive, short tempered, stubborn.

Pushya saturn

Innate ability to heal others, medical field, hard work, career delay, good relation with mother, child adoption, dry and cold love and marriage life.

Pushya jupiter

Charitable, teacher, counselor, generous, hard work till 30s, challenge takers, understanding in relationships and marriage.

Pushya rahu

Adviser, influencer, community organizer, confort, luxury, materialism, real-estate, engineer, designer.

Pushya ketu

Family separation, malnourished, may work in child care, orphanage, underprivileged people. Spiritual and caring.

Ashlesha Nakshatra

# 9

falls in Cancer 16.40 – 30.00

Gender Female

pada1 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by Jupiter

pada2 20.00 – 23.20, ruled by Saturn

pada3 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by Saturn

pada4 26.40 – 30.00, ruled by Jupiter

keywords Entangled, Spiral

nadi Sleshma, Kapha, Mucus

symbol Serpent; Coiled Snake

lord Mercury ruled by Vishnu

deity Sarpas/Nagas

caste Outcast

aim Dharma, right activities

direction South

element Water

sounds De, Du, Do

power Destroys Spiritual Energy

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Ashlesha ascendant

Service oriented, manipulative and deceptive, sensual.

Ashlesha sun

Good communicator, stubborn, business skills.

Ashlesha moon

Knowledge of astrology, mystical, intuitive, Unhealthy eating habits.

Ashlesha mercury

Calculative, manipulative, shrewd business person.

Ashlesha venus

Unhealthy relationship, selfless & unconditional love, very emotional.

Ashlesha mars

Debilitated, aggressive, argumentative, and quick thinker.

Ashlesha saturn

Controlled emotion, thoughts and communication. disciplined, organised, and structured.

Ashlesha jupiter

Academics, intelligent, full of wisdom, and communicative.

Ashlesha rahu

Full of ideas, clever, scientific.

Ashlesha ketu

Highly spiritual.

Magha Nakshatra

# 10

falls in Leo 0.00 – 13.20

Gender Female

pada1 0.00 – 3.20, ruled by Mars

pada2 3.20 – 6.40, ruled by Venus

pada3 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by Mercury

pada4 10.00 – 13.20, ruled by Moon

keywords Inheritance, Privileged

nadi Sleshma, Kapha, Mucus

symbol King’s Chamber with Throne; Planquin

lord Ketu ruled by Ganesha

deity Pitras/ancestors

caste Shudra

aim Artha, material prosperity,

direction West

element Water

sounds Ma, Me, Mu, Mi

power Spiritual Rebirth

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Magha ascendant

Self-awared, power, authority, wealthy, lucky, Influential, family status, respectable.

Magha sun

Authoritative, highly ambitious, dominating in relationship, celebrity, creative, sportive, leader, create new leaders.

Magha moon

Charitable, demanding respect and also respect others, authoritative position, celebrity, creative, designer, empowers others, true leader, spiritual.

Magha mercury

Gov spokesperson, Gov counselor/lawyer, good communicator, creative, critical, good at collecting info and research. sense of spirituality.

Magha venus

Egoistic celebrity, sense of creative, design, art and research. peaceful, may share status and position with others, should let ego go. Luxury.

Magha mars

Dominating authority figure, influential leader, conquer big problems of world, bold, courageous, charitable.

Magha saturn

Delay and obstacles in gaining desired position, craftsman, hard work, low level artist, problem with father, may work for labours’ rights.

Magha jupiter

Desire for authoritative figure, school/college/university principal/dean, ego conflicts in relationship.

Magha rahu

Courage, leadership, administrator, wealthy, royal, high status, artistic, intelligent, good communication, sudden rise after 28.,

Magha ketu

Separation from authoritative status, spiritual awareness and realization, detachment from family and work.

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra

# 11

falls in Leo 13.20 – 26.40

Gender Female

pada1 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by Sun

pada2 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by Mercury

pada3 20.00 – 23.20, ruled by Venus

pada4 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by Mars

keywords Passion, Freewill

nadi Pitta, heat, fire, energy

symbol Couch; Hammock; Fig Tree

lord Venus ruled by Lakshmi

deity Bhagya/god of marital bliss and prosperity

caste Brahmin

aim Kama, desire

direction North

element Water

sounds Mo, Ta, Ti, Tu

power Procreating

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Purva Phalguni ascendant

Creative, charismatic,balanced mind, interested in music, dance, drama. Healthy, good looking.

Purva Phalguni sun

Leader, in government, royal qualities, confident, self-employed, generous.

Purva Phalguni moon

Soft spoken, love for beauty, drama, and entainment. Creative, intelligent, friendly.

Purva Phalguni mercury

Teacher, business mind, stock market, entainment, amusement.

Purva Phalguni venus

Luxurious, glamorous, Interested in arts, beauty, theatre. Desire for sex, romantic relationships.

Purva Phalguni mars

Fighter, athletic, sportie, courageous, egoistic, enthusiastic, interested in romance and opposite sex.

Purva Phalguni saturn

Diffidence, hidden enemies, career delay and obstacles.

Purva Phalguni jupiter

Interested in scriptures and occult. Wealthy, prosperous, healthy married life.

Purva Phalguni rahu

Thirst for name and fame, fortune in public domain, sharp mind, ego, administrative, sudden gain and loss, stubborn.

Purva Phalguni ketu

In search of enlightenment, creative, research, and occult, spiritual, yoga.

Uttara Phalguni NAKSHATRA

# 12

falls in Leo 26.40 – Virgo 10.00

Gender Female

pada1 26.40 – 30.00, ruled by Jupiter

pada2 0.00 – Virgo 3.20, ruled by Saturn

pada3 3.20 – 6.40, ruled by Saturn

pada4 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by Jupiter

keywords Committed, Companion

nadi Vata, Ether(air & space)

symbol Bed; Small Bed

lord Sun ruled by Shiva

deity Aryaman/god of patronage and favours

caste Warrior

aim Moksha, spiritual liberation

direction East

element Fire

sounds Te, To, Pa, Pe

power Prospering

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Uttara Phalguni ascendant

Wealthy, attractive, several mates, generous, proud, sensual, intelligent, talent in business, skilled with hands, humanitarian, mystical powers, intuitive.

Uttara Phalguni sun

Humanitarian concern, leadership, fond of reading and writing, confident, strong pride, arrogance, love of the creative art.

Uttara Phalguni moon

Well-liked, successful, stable, respected, want comfort and luxury, good intelligence, inventive mind, happy, friendly, tactful.

Uttara Phalguni mercury

Communicative, business skill, honest, quick learner, helpful, kind, social, caring, sincere.

Uttara Phalguni venus

Spiritual,practical in love, mysticism, family oriented, and love for humanity.

Uttara Phalguni mars

Straightforward, courageous, ambitious, stable, focused.

Uttara Phalguni saturn

Dutiful, workaholic, practical in duties, world affair.

Uttara Phalguni jupiter

Worships God, family oriented, learner, healer

Uttara Phalguni rahu

Introvert, karmic, humanitarian

ketu Disciplined, spiritual, and dutiful.

Hasta Nakshatra

# 13

falls in Virgo 10.00 -23.20

Gender Male

pada1 10.00 – 13.20, ruled by Mars

pada2 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by Venus

pada3 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by Mercury

pada4 20.00 – 23.20, ruled by Moon

keywords Awareness, Brilliant

nadi Vata, Ether(air & space)

symbol Hand; Palm

lord Moon ruled by Parvati

deity Savita/Surya

caste Merchant

aim Moksha, spiritual liberation

direction South

element Fire

sounds Pu, Sh, Nu, Tha

power Gaining

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Hasta ascendant

Likeable, sociable, entertaining, attractive, respected, flexible body, and humanitarian

Hasta sun

practical, Influential, knowledgeable, analytical, writing, skillful hands.

Hasta moon

Sensitive, sharp memory, creative and imaginative, friendly, moody, open-hearted.

Hasta mercury

Communicative, writing, analytical, business mind, intelligent.

Hasta venus

Loves music and other forms of art, artistic, healer, good at cooking and household work.

Hasta mars

Stubborn, focused, goal oriented, protective, works for social-welfare, determined.

Hasta saturn

Clever, trader, determined, can write for long hours, prone to intoxication,

Hasta jupiter

Teacher, healer, interest in astrology, occult science, and palm reading.

Hasta rahu

Rahu feels spiritually restricted here and try to control his destiny through his efforts.

Hasta ketu

Frustrated ketu here has the ability to go beyond mind and its illusions.

Chitra Nakshatra

# 14

falls in Virgo 23.20 – Libra 6.40

Gender Female

pada1 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by Sun

pada2 26.40 – 30.00, ruled by Mercury

pada3 0.00 – Libra 3.20, ruled by Venus

pada4 3.20 – 6.4 , ruled by Mars

keywords Craftsman, Perfectionist

nadi Pitta, heat, fire, energy

symbol Bright Jewel; Pearl

lord Mars ruled by Muruga/Kartikey

deity Vishwakarma

caste Farmer

aim Kama, desire

direction West

element Fire

sounds Pe, Po, Ra, Rer

power Creating, Spiritual Power

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Chitra ascendant

Looks fashionable, loves to wear Jewellery, colorful clothes. expressive, graceful, honest, desires for spiritual liberation.

Chitra sun

Intelligent, academic intellect, critique, recognition, and opinionated.

Chitra moon

Artistic, popular, attractive eyes, charming personality, intuitive, futuristic.

Chitra mercury

Organized, Detailed oriented, pre-planner, writer, publication, radio, TV, Film.

Chitra venus

Interests for arts, photography, music, designer, architect, love for fashion and Jewellery.

Chitra mars

Robust immunity, fighting spirit, armed forces and police, direct, competitive, militant, martial arts.

Chitra saturn

Critical, disciplined, intelligent, designer, intelligent.

Chitra jupiter

Judges, priest, lawyers, religious, knowledge of scriptures.

Chitra rahu

Illusion, unrealistic, photography, virtual reality, video games

Chitra ketu

Egoistic, spiritual warrior, can face adversity.

Swati Nakshatra

# 15

falls in Libra 6.40 – 20.00

Gender Female

pada1 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by Jupiter

pada2 10.00 – 13.20, ruled by Saturn

pada3 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by Saturn

pada4 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by Jupiter

keywords Selfie, Individuality

nadi Sleshma, Kapha, Mucus

symbol Shoot of Plant; Coral

lord Rahu ruled by Durga

deity Pawan/Vayu

caste Butcher

aim Artha, material prosperity

direction North

element Fire

sounds Ru, Re, Ro, ta

power Transforming

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Swati ascendant

Charming, Loyal, intelligent, good communicator, business mind, fair, ability to serve, after marriage becomes spiritual,

Swati sun

Debilitated Sun, ego in relationship, works hard to make career, authority, and recognition. Issue in relation with father, own business, counselor, diplomats, lawyers.

Swati moon

Independent in relationship, own business, partnership in business doesn’t work, balanced mind, can see both sides of coins.

Swati mercury

Good communicator, quick decision maker, justice, fair game player, own business, work independently, counselor, teacher. sees marriage as an bondage.

Swati venus

Wealth thru working independently or own business in the fields of finance, wealth management, design, and arts. Knowledgeable, seeks freedom in relationships.

Swati mars

Seeks no interference in his actions, doesn’t like to work under others, proactive, innovative, entrepreneur, brave, courageous. Dominate in relationship.

Swati saturn

Struggle in early life, independent, delayed realization, underpaid, later native may setup own business, Also makes good lawer, judge, counselor.

Swati jupiter

Guru chandal yoga, rebellious, works independently, knowledgeable, wisdom, knowledge sharing business, dominates in relationship.

Swati rahu

Own business in fields of finance, wealth management, creativity. doesn’t like to work under others, knowledgeable, creative, quick decision maker.

Swati ketu

Isolation, separation, unhappy in relationship, spirituality, realization.

Vishakha Nakshatra

# 16

falls in Libra 20.00 – Scorpio 3.20

Gender Female

pada1 20.00 – 23.20, ruled by Mars

pada2 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by Venus

pada3 26.40 – 30.00, ruled by Mercury

pada4 0.00 – Scorpio 3.20, ruled by Moon

keywords Dharma, Goes by book, Accomplishment

nadi Sleshma, Kapha, Mucus

symbol Decorated Gateway Garland

lord Jupiter ruled by Shiva

deity Indra and Agni

caste Outcast

aim Dharma, right activities

direction East

element Fire

sounds Ti, Tu, Te, To

power Harvesting

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Vishakha ascendant

Wise, warships God, political, aggressive, impatient, easily gets angry.

Vishakha sun

Committed in relationship, enjoys family life, egocentric, ambitious, introvert, secretive, researcher.

Vishakha moon

Attractive to masses, moon(bright) appearance, humanitarian, intense, debilitated in the last pada.

Vishakha mercury

Artistic, good writer, pleasant speech, communicator, last pada creates confusion and the native tends to think too much.

Vishakha venus

Peace loving, balanced mind, Judge, deal maker, harmonious, last pada takes the native towards secret knowledge and occult.

Vishakha mars

Material pleasure, strong sexual appetite, many relationships, aggressive, secretive, in the last pada the native becomes harsh in actions and nature.

Vishakha saturn

Decisive power, determination, focus, achieves one’s goals in life.

Vishakha jupiter

Wedding priest, gift to humankind with fire element and true knowledge. advocate of lawful marriage and business deals.

Vishakha rahu

Material and spiritual dissatisfaction, Early in life falls for sensual and sexual pleasure later become spiritual.

Vishakha ketu

Native moves towards spiritual life, has knowledge of moksha, knows materialism is Maya.

Anuradha Nakshatra

# 17

falls in Scorpio 3.20 – 16.40

Gender Male

pada1 3.20 – 6.40 , ruled by Sun

pada2 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by Mercury

pada3 10.00 – 13.20, ruled by Venus

pada4 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by Mars

keywords Union, Friendship

nadi Pitta, heat, fire, energy

symbol Triumphal Archway; Lotus Flower

lord Saturn ruled by Hanuman

deity Mitra

caste Shudra

aim Dharma, right activities

direction South

element Fire

sounds Na, Ne, Nu, Ne

power Abundance

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Anuradha ascendant

Helpful, learning, knowledge accumulation, should work in group not alone, victory, leadership, secretive, spiritual.

Anuradha sun

Ultimate victory, leadership, hidden knowledge, ambitious, Friendship, alliances, good career, should follow his/her heart.

Anuradha moon

Desire oriented, thinks about the mass, may become anti-social or stalker, research related work. Early age guidance is required,

Anuradha mercury

Higher aspirations, deep thinker, social media Influencer, native should follow his/her heart in interests, career, and business.

Anuradha venus

Creative, collaboration, intense bond in relationships, spiritual, restless heart, research or public service,

Anuradha mars

Emergency worker, surgeon, detective, difficulties in early life, delay in self-realization, courage and will-power in in later life.

Anuradha saturn

Less friends, hardship until 33 years of age, late marriage, practical, emotional stress.

Anuradha jupiter

Loyal and reliable to friends, spiritual teacher, brings realism in whatever they do, higher knowledge thru teaching.

Anuradha rahu

Rebellious, knowledge gain through friends, stubborn, divine connection, has control over wondering mind of rahu.

Anuradha ketu

Divine Devotion, public service, kundalini, away from friends and family, detached in relationships,

Jyeshtha Nakshatra

# 18

falls in Scorpio 16.40 – 30.00

Gender Female

pada1 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by Jupiter

pada2 20.00 – 23.20, ruled by Saturn

pada3 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by Saturn

pada4 26.40 – 30.00, ruled by Jupiter

keywords Hierarchy, Paranoid

nadi Vata, Ether(air & space)

symbol Circular Talisman; Umbrella; Earring

lord Mercury ruled by Vishnu

deity Indra

caste Farmer

aim Artha, material prosperity

direction West

element Air

sounds No, Ya, Yi, Yu

power Heroism

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Jyeshtha ascendant

Liked and respected by others, honored, passionate.

Jyeshtha sun

High social status, hardworking, ambitious.

Jyeshtha moon

Mother boy/girl, obstinate, irritable, hypocritical, and secretive.

Jyeshtha mercury

Cloudy thoughts, intelligent, communicator.

Jyeshtha venus

Secretive, sensual, and seductive.

Jyeshtha mars

Fearless, materialistic, and courageous.

Jyeshtha saturn

Scattered thoughts, fearful.

Jyeshtha jupiter

Sudden money gain, occult science, hidden knowledge.

Jyeshtha rahu

Follows own desires, proudy, aggressive, fearless.

Jyeshtha ketu

Fearless, spiritual, stable, mystical.

Moola Nakshatra

# 19

falls in Sagittarius 0.00 – 13.20

Gender Neutral

pada1 0.00 – 3.20, ruled by Mars

pada2 3.20 – 6.40, ruled by Venus

pada3 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by Mercury

pada4 10.00 – 13.20 , ruled by Moon

keywords Destruction, Whistleblower

nadi Vata, Ether(air & space)

symbol Lion Tail; Elephant Goad; Tied Roots

lord Ketu ruled by Ganesha

deity Nirrti/Goddess of destruction

caste Butcher

aim Kama, desire

direction North

element Air

sounds Ye, Yo, Ba, Be

power Clearing

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Moola ascendant

Outspoken, broad forehead, robust bone, broad vision, role model student, passionate desire, investigator, truthful, shrewd.

Moola sun

Insense personality, under illusion, egoistic, researcher, spiritual, interest in occult, archaeology, history.

Moola moon

Introvert, researcher, interest in spirituality, occult, and mysticism. native feels isolated, and separated. emotional issues, meditation can help. can also become a counselor or a teacher.

Moola mercury

Curious, success in research field, higher education, can become teacher, counselor, professor. interests in religion, spirituality, and hidden aspects of the world.

Moola venus

Interest in occult, spirituality, mysticism, research, arts, luxury, medical, finance.

Moola mars

Dedication, focus, leader, aggression in fields of research, spirituality, religion, unknown/hidden aspects of the universe; isolated, separated.

Moola saturn

Delay and obstacles in education, job, liberation, research, self-realization, financial gain, and marriage.

Moola jupiter

Early age self-realization, success in fields of spirituality, occult, mysticism, medical, technology, and can also become teacher, counselor, and guide.

Moola rahu

Obsessed with gaining knowledge through research in fields of technology, finance, medical, spirituality, occult, mysticism.

Moola ketu

Spiritual, mysticism, occult practices and retreats, past life pending karma, separation, isolated, sometimes inner conflicts.

Purva Ashadha NAKSHATRA

# 20

falls in Sagittarius 13.20 – 26.40

Gender Female

pada1 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by Sun

pada2 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by Mercury

pada3 20.00 – 23.20, ruled by Venus

pada4 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by Mars

keywords Surfing, Juggling


symbol Elephant Tusk; Monkey; Bamboo Hand Fan

lord Venus ruled by Lakshmi

deity Apah/God of water

caste Brahmin

aim Moksha, spiritual liberation

direction East

element Air

sounds Bu, Da, Bha, Dha

power Invigorating

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Purva Ashadha ascendant

Interest in law and politics, proud, healer, high respect, faithful to friends, humble, friends and children.

Purva Ashadha sun

Attractive look, name and fame, humanitarian, leadership, philosophical, political.

Purva Ashadha moon

Balanced emotion, charming personality, philosophical, loyal in friendship and relationship.,

Purva Ashadha mercury

Teacher, counselor, higher education, learned communicator, analytical, troublesome relationship.

Purva Ashadha venus

Higher education, teacher, counselor, explores cultures around the world, foodie, traveler, good friends.

Purva Ashadha mars

Nurses, guide, coaches, lab tester, competitive, zealous, sometimes harsh spoken.

Purva Ashadha saturn

Obstacles in gaining higher education, higher education in the fields of technology, medicine, and law. Practical, teacher, can also get harsh teachers and seniors.

Purva Ashadha jupiter

Higher education, good teacher & professor, polished behaviour, good at reasoning, foodie, creative and wealthy.

Purva Ashadha rahu

Obsessed in gaining higher and specified education, always learning new things, education in fields of finance, design and arts. Later in life spiritual.

Purva Ashadha ketu

Higher education in fields of spirituality and occult science. Looks for inner wisdom, Curious and always learning something new.

Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra

# 21

falls in Sag 26.40 – Cap 10.00

Gender Female

pada1 26.40 – 30.00, ruled by Jupiter

pada2 0.00 – Cap 3.20, ruled by Saturn

pada3 3.20 – 6.40, ruled by Saturn

pada4 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by Jupiter

keywords Overachiever

nadi Sleshma, Kapha, Mucus

symbol Elephant Tusk; Small Cot

lord Sun ruled by Shiva

deity Vishwa Devas/Universal Gods

caste Warrior

aim Moksha, spiritual liberation

direction South

element Air

sounds Be, Bo, Ja, Ji

power Victory

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Uttara Ashadha ascendant

Public servant, hardworking, famous late in life, kind, honest, counselor.

Uttara Ashadha sun

Hungry for power, quick learner, willing to change the world, ambitious, leader, humanitarian.

Uttara Ashadha moon

Long life, patient, socially responsible, rigid, sincere.

Uttara Ashadha mercury

Life long learner, thinker, well spoken, introvert, calligrapher.

Uttara Ashadha venus

Committed in love, Craftsman, likes luxury and rich people.

Uttara Ashadha mars

Researcher, disciplined, will power, fights for society, ambitious, patient and careful.

Uttara Ashadha saturn

Politician, hardworking, ambitious, hunger for name and fame.

Uttara Ashadha jupiter

Philosophical, spiritual, preachers, well-respected.

Uttara Ashadha rahu

hardworking, responsible, disciplined and dutiful.

Uttara Ashadha ketu

Lonely, becomes spiritual in later life.

Shravana Nakshatra

# 22

falls in Capricorn 10.00 – 23.20

Gender Female

pada1 10.00 – 13.20, ruled by Mars

pada2 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by Venus

pada3 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by Mercury

pada4 20.00 – 23.20, ruled by Moon

keywords Podcast, Radio

nadi Sleshma, Kapha, Mucus

symbol Ear; 3 Footprints of Saraswati

lord Moon ruled by Parvati

deity Vishnu

caste Outcast

aim Artha, material prosperity

direction North

element Air

sounds Ju, Je, Jo, Gha

power Connecting

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Shravana ascendant

Higher career desire, scholarly work, structural and organized.

Shravana sun

Egoistic, rebellious, problems with boss, practical, conservative, organised, and political.

Shravana moon

Mystic, restless mind, clever, sad, and moody.

Shravana mercury

Interested in old scriptures, speaks less, meaningful communication.

Shravana venus

Career organized, cold in love, strict, not open, fearful, and enjoys the workplace.

Shravana mars

Disciplined, well-behaved, patience, goal oriented.

Shravana saturn

Mindful of reputation, career delays, practical, focused, and political.

Shravana jupiter

Highly creative, learner, classical arts, loves nature, spiritual.

Shravana rahu

Here Rahu learns to sit to hear the sounds of silence, and becomes peaceful and balanced, fearful, slowly becomes disciplined.

Shravana ketu

Connects to universal consciousness, has good intuition power, silent, good at meditation.

Dhanishta Nakshatra

# 23

falls in Cap 23.20 – Aqu 6.40

Gender Female

pada1 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by Sun

pada2 26.40 – 30.00, ruled by Mercury

pada3 0.00 – Aqua 3.20, ruled by Venus

pada4 3.20 – 6.40, ruled by Mars

keywords Celebrity, Influencer

nadi Pitta, heat, fire, energy

symbol Flute; Mridanga; Drum

lord Mars ruled by Muruga/Kartikey

deity Eight Vasus

caste Farmer

aim Dharma, right activities

direction East

element Ether

sounds Ga, Gi, Gu, Ge

power Joining

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Dhanishta ascendant

Wealthy, virtuous, conservative, arrogant, ambitious, disciplined, liberal, idealistic.

Dhanishta sun

Wealthy, stressful lifestyle, hardworking, cynical, has anger issues, social.

Dhanishta moon

Structured, Organized, detached, liberal, love for music, poetry but obstinate.

Dhanishta mercury

Business knowledge, good concentration, slow speaker, leans from scriptures.

Dhanishta venus

Polished habits, love for music and singing, cold in love and relationship, wealth creator.

Dhanishta mars

Exalted, focused, goal oriented, has patience and control over actions.

Dhanishta saturn

Reputation, political, scriptures, organised, focused, materialistic, business-mind.

Dhanishta jupiter

Debilitated, too materialistic, greedy, atheist, unconcerned about higher learning and wisdom.

Dhanishta rahu

Knows own weaknesses, aspires for wealth but enlightenment through accomplishments.

Dhanishta ketu

Follows the divine mission of his/her own soul.

Shatabhisha Nakshatra

# 24

falls in Aquarius 6.40 – 20.00

Gender Neutral

pada1 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by Jupiter

pada2 10.00 – 13.20, ruled by Saturn

pada3 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by Saturn

pada4 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by Jupiter

keywords Surveillance, Smartphone

nadi Vata, Ether(air & space)

symbol Circle; Garland; Hundred Flowers

lord Rahu ruled by Durga

deity Varuna

caste Butcher

aim Dharma, right activities

direction South

element Ether

sounds Go, Sa, Si, Su

power Healing

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Shatabhisha ascendant

Soft body, broad forehead, impressive eyes, attractive face, high nose, memory power, restless, truth seeker, religious.

Shatabhisha sun

Creative, writer, humanitarian, hardworking, intelligent, Philosophical, determined, helpful.

Shatabhisha moon

Good healer, doctor, mystical, meditative, philosophical, scientific, caring, public service, technically sound, entrepreneur.

Shatabhisha mercury

Technical and scientific studies, technical writer, new-age technology, curious, delayed results, humanitarian.

Shatabhisha venus

Jobs in MNC or media, Love marriage, luxury gadgets, creative, technology designer, humanitarian, communicator.

Shatabhisha mars

Frustrated, learns sustainability, higher purpose, technology savvy(technician), delay result, sometimes impatient.

Shatabhisha saturn

Public service through technology and scientific advancements, hardworking till 33, humanitarian, diplomatic, tough speech, family comforts, hometown.

Shatabhisha jupiter

Delayed self-realization, natural physical, mental, and spiritual healer, counselor, guide, life-coach, teacher in medical field, technically sound, unusual religious approach.

Shatabhisha rahu

New age inventor, large organization, humanitarian goals, scientific approach, wealthy, serves meaningful and higher goals,

Shatabhisha ketu

Jobs at MNC, Isolated at work place, leave working at MNCs, many friends but hardly talk to them, research or scientific through technology to help the mass at large.

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra

# 25

falls in Aqua 20.00 – Pisces 3.20

Gender Male

pada1 20.00 – 23.20, ruled by Mars

pada2 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by Venus

pada3 26.40 – 30.00, ruled by Mercury

pada4 0.00 – Pisces 3.20, ruled by Moon

keywords Sacrify, Self Destruction

nadi Vata, Ether(air & space)

symbol Sword; Double Faced Man

lord Jupiter ruled by Shiva

deity Ajaikapada/an ancient fire dragon

caste Brahmin

aim Artha, material prosperity

direction West

element Ether

sounds Se, So, Da, Di

power Uprising

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Purva Bhadrapada ascendant

Public speaker, philosophical, attractive, fond of travelling and money.

Purva Bhadrapada sun

Dislike routines, creative mind, writing, independent, seclusive.

Purva Bhadrapada moon

Intelligent, spiritual, teaching skills, occult knowledge, clever supervisor.

Purva Bhadrapada mercury

Highly intellectual, materialistic gains, successful business person.

Purva Bhadrapada venus

Eccentric lover, indulges in relationship, finds pleasure in religious talks, philosophy, and spirituality.

Purva Bhadrapada mars

Prone to conflicts, impulsive, irritable, mars doesn’t feel at home here.

Purva Bhadrapada saturn

Social, detached, unique, humanitarian, and philanthropist.

Purva Bhadrapada jupiter

Gains knowledge of tantra, occult science, generous nature, judges quickly.

Purva Bhadrapada rahu

Goes beyond physical beauty, gives importance to good work and creativity.

Purva Bhadrapada ketu

Carries idealism from the past life, discovers the true meaning of life on the earth.

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra

# 26

falls in Pisces 3.20 – 16.40

Gender Male

pada1 3.20 – 6.40, ruled by Sun

pada2 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by Mercury

pada3 10.00 – 13.20, ruled by Venus

pada4 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by Mars

keywords Philosophy Major, Wordly, Spirituality

nadi Pitta, heat, fire, energy

symbol Twins; Funeral Bed on a Cot

lord Saturn ruled by Hanuman

deity Ahirbudhnya/Ocean Serpent

caste Warrior

aim Kama, desire

direction North

element Ether

sounds Du, tha, Jha, Jna

power Stabilising

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Uttara Bhadrapada ascendant

Large body, broad shoulder, calm mind represents the ocean, heavy and short in height, patient and a few lazy.

Uttara Bhadrapada sun

intelligent, witty, creative, generous, charitable, hardworking, spiritual.

Uttara Bhadrapada moon

Virtuous, sense of public service, clever communicator, attractive look.

Uttara Bhadrapada mercury

Debilitated Mercury, slow learner, less hobbies, does not like to read books.

Uttara Bhadrapada venus

Flair for creativity and design, Luxurious goods, cool and balanced mind, insightful, romantic relationships,

Uttara Bhadrapada mars

Yoga or meditation teacher, healer, spiritual, peaceful, religious leader.

Uttara Bhadrapada saturn

Delay or obstacles, in spiritual experience and learning, long hour meditation, solidarity, kundalini.

Uttara Bhadrapada jupiter

Spiritual guru, meditation, wisdom, family and materialistic life may suffer.

Uttara Bhadrapada rahu

Obsessed with spirituality and mysticism. devoted to guru, kundalini, later in life native can become a guru.

Uttara Bhadrapada ketu

Intuned with universal consciousness, out of body experience, self-realization, enlightenment.

Revati Nakshatra

# 27

falls in Pisces 16.40 – 30.00

Gender Male

pada1 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by Jupiter

pada2 20.00 – 23.20, ruled by Saturn

pada3 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by Saturn

pada4 26.40 – 30.00, ruled by Jupiter

keywords Wealth, Affluence

nadi Sleshma, Kapha, Mucus

symbol Pair of Fish; Drum beating Energy

lord Mercury ruled by Vishnu

deity Pushan/the protective deity

caste Shudra

aim Moksha, spiritual liberation

direction East

element Ether

sounds De, Do, Cha, Chi

power Nourishing

If a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

Revati ascendant

Gentle, attractive look, social, good friends, travels.

Revati sun

Interested in philosophy, politics, classical arts. sensitive, humorous, unusual fame, charitable and a traveler.

Revati moon

Interested in ancient culture, religion, spirituality. Wealthy, success in foreign land, pet lover.

Revati mercury

Accountant, good communicator, religious and spiritual knowledge, wisdom.

Revati venus

Exalted, after divine love, monk, yogi, pen lover, spiritual.

Revati mars

Wisdom, knowledgeable, spiritual leader, yoga teacher, connections with authorities.

Revati saturn

Isolation, far from society, lost structure. pessimistic, melancholy.

Revati jupiter

Dreamer, lost, unknown wisdom and knowledge, spiritual, good intuition power, finds guru.

Revati rahu

Innovative, good psychic, dreamer, other world knowledge.

Revati ketu

Wealthy, good at meditation, spiritual, esoteric, psychic, desires to get enlightenment.

there are 27 nakshatras in vedic astrology, here is a list of all nakshatras listed below. To learn more about them you can install my nakshatra android app.

  1. ashvini
  2. bharani
  3. krittika
  4. rohini
  5. mrigashīrsha
  6. ardra
  7. punarvasu
  8. pushya
  9. āshleshā
  10. maghā
  11. pūrva phalgunī
  12. uttara phalgunī
  13. hasta
  14. chitra
  15. swāti
  16. vishakha
  17. anuradha
  18. jyeshtha
  19. mula
  20. purva ashadha
  21. uttara ashadha
  22. sravana
  23. dhanishta
  24. shatabhisha
  25. purva bhadrapada
  26. uttara bhādrapadā
  27. revati

you can learn about each nakshatras and all the planets in the nakshatra one by one.

ashwini nakshatra

# 1

falls in aries 0.00-13.20

gender male

pada1 0.00 – 3.20, ruled by mars

pada2 3.20 – 6.40, ruled by venus

pada3 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by mercury

pada4 10.00 – 13.20, ruled by moon

keywords self help, diy, solutions

nadi vata, ether(air & space)

symbol horse head

lord ketu ruled by ganesha

deity ashwini kumara

caste merchant

aim dharma, right activities

direction south

element earth

sounds chu, che, cho, la

power healing

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

ashwani ascendant

vitality, spontaneous, initiator, intelligent, short height, sportive, strong, appealing, charismatic, stylish, lavish, innocent.

nbsp; in ashwani sun&

exalted sun, confident, strive for higher position, though they know it is not true happiness, supportive father, career in medical fields and government, leader, ego.

nbsp; in ashwani moon&

mysterious, religious, occult, courageous, proactive, metaphysical healer, selfless caring, accomplishments, researcher.

nbsp; in ashwani mercury&

good driver, likes travelling, curious about metaphysical world, researcher, careful communicator, spiritual realization in later in life.

venus in ashwani

income through the interest towards occult and metaphysical world, however interested medical profession, researcher, pet lover, knowledgeable.

mars in ashwani

bold, determined, quick action taker, delivers before deadline, surgeon, veterinary practitioner, aggressive, impulsive.

saturn in ashwani

longevity, poverty, health issue in family, some financial gains after 19, intelligent, intellectual, lean body, short temper, career in food, forest, agriculture

jupiter in ashwani

metaphysical knowledge, curious and researcher, teacher and healer, pet healer, pet lover, teacher at veterinary college, spiritual and mystical.

rahu in ashwani

childhood health issue, good physique, witty, intelligent, religious, knowledgeable, extramarital, good relation with mother.

ketu in ashwani

alternative medicine, occult, metaphysics, surgeon, veterinary practitioner, researcher, like to serve animals. Mentaly or physically separated in relationship.

bharini nakshatra

# 2

falls in aries 13.20-26.40

gender female

pada1 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by sun

pada2 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by mercury

pada3 20.00 – 23.20, ruled by venus

pada4 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by mars

keywords workaholic, responsibility

nadi pitta, heat, fire, energy

symbol yoni

lord venus ruled by lakshmi

deity yama

caste outcast

aim artha, material prosperity

direction west

element earth

sounds lee, lu, lay, lo

power removing

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

bharini ascendant

good health, medium height, hardworking, courageous, proud, pioneer, likes sports, hunting and firework.

sun in bharini

exalted sun, intelligent, leader, authority, fighter, tactful, anger, pride, name, and fame.

moon in bharini

charismatic, attractive, leader, dutiful, smart worker, investigative mind, healer, likes occult science.

mercury in bharini

energetic and passionate speaker, relationship, dating expert, and match maker, authors, comedian and actors too.

venus in bharini

fasion, design, beauty, foodie, sensual, strong sex desire.

mars in bharini

will power, courage, action taker, aggressive, anger, fighter, strong sex drive.

saturn in bharini

debilitated saturn, problems in relationship with parents, good in the fields of construction and manufacturing.

jupiter in bharini

knowledge through relationships and sensuality. Creative, designer, passionate teacher.

rahu in bharini

nurturing and caring, practices yama and niyama.

ketu in bharini

detached in relationships, no sexual desire, doesn’t know how to express.

kritika nakshatra

# 3

falls in aries 26.40 – taurus 10.00

gender male

pada1 26.40 – taurus 0.00, ruled by jupiter

pada2 0.00 – 3.20, ruled by saturn

pada3 3.20 – 6.40, ruled by saturn

pada4 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by jupiter

keywords generation, burning energy, fire

nadi sleshma, kapha, mucus

symbol flame

lord sun ruled by shiva

deity agni

caste brahmin

aim kama, desire

direction north

element earth

sounds ah, ee, oo, ay

power burning

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

kritika ascendant

superior, proud, honorable, ambitious, skillful, wealthy, truthful.

sun in kritika

spiritual warrior, disciplined, leadership, power over the masses, issues with authority figures.

moon in kritika

brilliant appearance, peaceful loving, famous, good adviser, strong willed, determined, intelligent, artistic.

mercury in kritika

learned and an expert in various religious scriptures may be a successful businessman, philanthropist

venus in kritika

love for music, fashion, apparel, beauty industries, and other fine arts

mars in kritika

independent, have good fighting ability, expert in handling weapons or explosives, romantic, high sex drive, easily excited, desirous.

saturn in kritika

impatient, agriculture profession, polygamy

jupiter in kritika

brilliant mystic, seer, and spiritual teacher, have interest in historical literature, famous, wealthy, noble, truthful, and well educated.

rahu in kritika

rahu in krittika can be either constructive or destructive.

ketu in kritika

spiritual, altruistic

rohini nakshatra

# 4

falls in taurus 10.00-23.20

gender female

pada1 10.00 – 13.20, ruled by mars

pada2 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by venus

pada3 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by mercury

pada4 20.00 – 23.20,ruled by moon

keywords growth, mr. Or ms. Popular,

nadi sleshma, kapha, mucus

symbol cart; chariot

lord moon ruled by parvati

deity brahma

caste shudra

aim moksha, spiritual liberation

direction east

element earth

sounds oh, va, vi, vu

power growing

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

rohini ascendant

attractive eyes, popular, romantic, artistic, expressive, sexually addictive.

sun in rohini

seductive, beautiful, poetic, musical gift, likeable, artistic.

moon in rohini

singer, lovely appearance, wealthy, balanced mind, and famous.

mercury in rohini

imaginative and creative mind, emotional, intelligent, can clearly express through art, design, decoration, interest in beauty and fashion.

venus in rohini

peaceful, joyful, sensual, good appearance.

mars in rohini

desire for pleasure and comfort, passionate in love and relationship, active in social circle, and likeable.

saturn in rohini

realistic, materialistic, grounded, healthy.

jupiter in rohini

love for creative art forms, culture, and history, foodie, higher learning and spiritual.

rahu in rohini

desire for materialistic comfort and pleasure, relentlessness in relationship.

ketu in rohini

ketu is uncomfortable in rohini due to differing nature to attaining moksha.

mrigasira nakshatra

# 5

falls in taurus 23.20 – gemini 6.40

gender neutral

pada1 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by sun

pada2 26.40 – gemini 0.00, ruled by mercury

pada3 0.00 – 3.20, ruled by venus

pada4 3.20 – 6.40, ruled by mars

keywords networking, social media

nadi pitta, heat, fire, energy

symbol deer head

lord mars ruled by muruga/kartikey

deity soma/chandra

caste farmer

aim moksha, spiritual liberation

direction south

element earth

sounds ve, vo, ka, kee

power enjoying

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

mrigasira ascendant

truth seeker, talkative, daring, loves to travel, attractive, seductive, systical, good communicator.

sun in mrigasira

jack of all trades, creative, authoritative, poetic, competitive, courageous, adventurous and architect.

moon in mrigasira

soft spoken, close to mother, gentle, tender, peaceful, intelligent, self-sacrifice.

mercury in mrigasira

nervous, restless, curious, quick, calligrapher.

venus in mrigasira

loves poetry, dance, music. Foodie, erotic love affairs, spiritual, truthful.

mars in mrigasira

stubborn, courageous, passionate, sex drive, risk taker, determined.

saturn in mrigasira

inefficient at work, arrogant, cunning, stubborn, seeks spiritually.

jupiter in mrigasira

higher knowledgeable, intelligent, handsome, truthful, enjoys wealth, traveler, researcher, prosperity and luxury, spiritual.

rahu in mrigasira

explores materialistic pleasure, intellectual, inner truth seeker.

ketu in mrigasira

intellectual, life purpose seeker, materialistic entanglement, self-realization.

ardra nakshatra

# 6

falls in gemini 6.40-20.00

gender female

pada1 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by jupiter

pada2 10.00 – 13.20, ruled by saturn

pada3 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by saturn

pada4 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by jupiter

keywords freshness, metabolism, innoventive

nadi aadi

symbol teardrop; diamond; human head

lord rahu ruled by durga

deity rudra

caste butcher

aim kama, desire

direction west

element water

sounds ku, gha, nga, jhar

power achieving

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

ardra ascendant

large face, curly hair, anger turns face red in color, sometimes absent-minded, good memory, quick and haste response, extreme changes in life.

sun in ardra

confusion in career and other life matters, issues with father, authorities, and bosses, emotional storms.

moon in ardra

indecisive, chaotic circumstances, illusions in life, nightmares, fear; spiritual growth. Positive, foreign land.

mercury in ardra

psychologist, life coach, crime reporter and investigator, arms dealers, foreign languages, software programmer.

venus in ardra

stock market gains, career options in fields of floods, earthquakes, disaster management. Public service, teacher and counselor.

mars in ardra

violent, aggressive, abusive, scattered actions, soldiers in fight, doctor at distress center.

saturn in ardra

career in alternative medicine, medical field, medical discovery or technology. Slow mental disorder, stress recovery if any.

jupiter in ardra

counselor and life coaches, rigid, doctor, scientist, instabilities in relationships. Prolonged chaos and turmoil.

rahu in ardra

things may turn good or bad, divides others, takes and gives unexpected things in life, backbiters.

ketu in ardra

experts or guide for chaotic situations, instabilities, relationship, global fights, certain natural disaster.

punarvasu nakshatra

# 7

falls in gemini 20.00 – cancer 3.20

gender male

pada1 20.00 – 23.20, ruled by mars

pada2 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by venus

pada3 26.40 – 30.00, ruled by mercury

pada4 30.00 – cancer 3.20, ruled by moon

keywords renewal, recycling

nadi vata, ether(air & space)

symbol bow; potter wheel; house

lord jupiter ruled by shiva

deity aditi/mother of gods

caste merchant

aim artha, material prosperity

direction north

element water

sounds ke, ko, ha, hi

power revitalising

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

punarvasu ascendant

charitable, social, successful business person.

sun in punarvasu

famous, purifying, cleansing, great intellectual, great communicator, social status.

moon in punarvasu

religious, self-controlled, indecisive, introvert, determined.

mercury in punarvasu

thinker, intelligent, soft-spoken, writing and self-publishing, clear voice, practical.

venus in punarvasu

fun loving, likes to wear gems and golden jewelleries, poetic, acting.

mars in punarvasu

action taker, goal oriented, self-motivated, aggressive, active, enthusiastic, freedom.

saturn in punarvasu

relearning of new good habits through circumstances. Obstacles, destruction, unhappiness.

jupiter in punarvasu

religious believes, ritual traditions, wisdom, philosophical, inspirational, charitable and spiritual.

rahu in punarvasu

needs mothers’ affection, loves others, is in search of true identity through his/her wandering mind..

ketu in punarvasu

gradual awareness towards peace and happiness through spiritual identification.

pushya nakshatra

# 8

falls in cancer 3.20 – 16.40

gender male

pada1 3.20 – 6.40, ruled by sun

pada2 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by mercury

pada3 10.00 – 13.20, ruled by venus

pada4 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by mars

keywords guru, flourished

nadi pitta, heat, fire, energy

symbol cow udder; flower; arrow; circle

lord saturn ruled by hanuman

deity brihaspati/guru of gods

caste warrior

aim dharma, right activities

direction east

element water

sounds hu, he, ho, da

power creates spiritual energy

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

pushya ascendant

nourishing, nurturing, caring, knowledgeable, motherly, generous, compassion, soberness, optimistic, enjoys materialism, reliable, dependable; negative, lethargic, unfocused, befooled easily, easily trust others.

sun in pushya

wealthy, authoritative, sensitive, artistic, political, successful yet insecure.

moon in pushya

balanced and composed mind, likeable, mature, political views, virtuous, wealthy.

mercury in pushya

medical industry, healer, teacher, counselor, indecisive for themselves, emotional, communicator.

venus in pushya

selfless in relationships, compromising, teacher, counselor, healer, public service, child care & orphanage.

mars in pushya

debilitated mars, doctor, surgeon, indecisive, short tempered, stubborn.

saturn in pushya

innate ability to heal others, medical field, hard work, career delay, good relation with mother, child adoption, dry and cold love and marriage life.

jupiter in pushya

charitable, teacher, counselor, generous, hard work till 30s, challenge takers, understanding in relationships and marriage.

rahu in pushya

adviser, influencer, community organizer, confort, luxury, materialism, real-estate, engineer, designer.

ketu in pushya

family separation, malnourished, may work in child care, orphanage, underprivileged people. Spiritual and caring.

ashlesha nakshatra

# 9

falls in cancer 16.40 – 30.00

gender female

pada1 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by jupiter

pada2 20.00 – 23.20, ruled by saturn

pada3 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by saturn

pada4 26.40 – 30.00, ruled by jupiter

keywords entangled, spiral

nadi sleshma, kapha, mucus

symbol serpent; coiled snake

lord mercury ruled by vishnu

deity sarpas/nagas

caste outcast

aim dharma, right activities

direction south

element water

sounds de, du, do

power destroys spiritual energy

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

ashlesha ascendant

service oriented, manipulative and deceptive, sensual.

sun in ashlesha

good communicator, stubborn, business skills.

moon in ashlesha

knowledge of astrology, mystical, intuitive, unhealthy eating habits.

mercury in ashlesha

calculative, manipulative, shrewd business person.

venus in ashlesha

unhealthy relationship, selfless & unconditional love, very emotional.

mars in ashlesha

debilitated, aggressive, argumentative, and quick thinker.

saturn in ashlesha

controlled emotion, thoughts and communication. Disciplined, organised, and structured.

jupiter in ashlesha

academics, intelligent, full of wisdom, and communicative.

rahu in ashlesha

full of ideas, clever, scientific.

ketu in ashlesha

highly spiritual.

magha nakshatra

# 10

falls in leo 0.00 – 13.20

gender female

pada1 0.00 – 3.20, ruled by mars

pada2 3.20 – 6.40, ruled by venus

pada3 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by mercury

pada4 10.00 – 13.20, ruled by moon

keywords inheritance, privileged

nadi sleshma, kapha, mucus

symbol king’s chamber with throne; planquin

lord ketu ruled by ganesha

deity pitras/ancestors

caste shudra

aim artha, material prosperity,

direction west

element water

sounds ma, me, mu, mi

power spiritual rebirth

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

magha ascendant

self-awared, power, authority, wealthy, lucky, influential, family status, respectable.

sun in magha

authoritative, highly ambitious, dominating in relationship, celebrity, creative, sportive, leader, create new leaders.

moon in magha

charitable, demanding respect and also respect others, authoritative position, celebrity, creative, designer, empowers others, true leader, spiritual.

mercury in magha

gov spokesperson, gov counselor/lawyer, good communicator, creative, critical, good at collecting info and research. Sense of spirituality.

venus in magha

egoistic celebrity, sense of creative, design, art and research. Peaceful, may share status and position with others, should let ego go. Luxury.

mars in magha

dominating authority figure, influential leader, conquer big problems of world, bold, courageous, charitable.

saturn in magha

delay and obstacles in gaining desired position, craftsman, hard work, low level artist, problem with father, may work for labours’ rights.

jupiter in magha

desire for authoritative figure, school/college/university principal/dean, ego conflicts in relationship.

rahu in magha

courage, leadership, administrator, wealthy, royal, high status, artistic, intelligent, good communication, sudden rise after 28.,

ketu in magha

separation from authoritative status, spiritual awareness and realization, detachment from family and work.

purva phalguni nakshatra

# 11

falls in leo 13.20 – 26.40

gender female

pada1 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by sun

pada2 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by mercury

pada3 20.00 – 23.20, ruled by venus

pada4 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by mars

keywords passion, freewill

nadi pitta, heat, fire, energy

symbol couch; hammock; fig tree

lord venus ruled by lakshmi

deity bhagya/god of marital bliss and prosperity

caste brahmin

aim kama, desire

direction north

element water

sounds mo, ta, ti, tu

power procreating

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

purva phalguni ascendant

creative, charismatic,balanced mind, interested in music, dance, drama. Healthy, good looking.

sun in purva phalguni

leader, in government, royal qualities, confident, self-employed, generous.

moon in purva phalguni

soft spoken, love for beauty, drama, and entainment. Creative, intelligent, friendly.

mercury in purva phalguni

teacher, business mind, stock market, entainment, amusement.

venus in purva phalguni

luxurious, glamorous, interested in arts, beauty, theatre. Desire for sex, romantic relationships.

mars in purva phalguni

fighter, athletic, sportie, courageous, egoistic, enthusiastic, interested in romance and opposite sex.

saturn in purva phalguni

diffidence, hidden enemies, career delay and obstacles.

jupiter in purva phalguni

interested in scriptures and occult. Wealthy, prosperous, healthy married life.

rahu in purva phalguni

thirst for name and fame, fortune in public domain, sharp mind, ego, administrative, sudden gain and loss, stubborn.

ketu in purva phalguni

in search of enlightenment, creative, research, and occult, spiritual, yoga.

uttara phalguni nakshatra

# 12

falls in leo 26.40 – virgo 10.00

gender female

pada1 26.40 – 30.00, ruled by jupiter

pada2 0.00 – virgo 3.20, ruled by saturn

pada3 3.20 – 6.40, ruled by saturn

pada4 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by jupiter

keywords committed, companion

nadi vata, ether(air & space)

symbol bed; small bed

lord sun ruled by shiva

deity aryaman/god of patronage and favours

caste warrior

aim moksha, spiritual liberation

direction east

element fire

sounds te, to, pa, pe

power prospering

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

uttara phalguni ascendant

wealthy, attractive, several mates, generous, proud, sensual, intelligent, talent in business, skilled with hands, humanitarian, mystical powers, intuitive.

sun in uttara phalguni

humanitarian concern, leadership, fond of reading and writing, confident, strong pride, arrogance, love of the creative art.

moon in uttara phalguni

well-liked, successful, stable, respected, want comfort and luxury, good intelligence, inventive mind, happy, friendly, tactful.

mercury in uttara phalguni

communicative, business skill, honest, quick learner, helpful, kind, social, caring, sincere.

venus in uttara phalguni

spiritual,practical in love, mysticism, family oriented, and love for humanity.

mars in uttara phalguni

straightforward, courageous, ambitious, stable, focused.

saturn in uttara phalguni

dutiful, workaholic, practical in duties, world affair.

jupiter in uttara phalguni

worships god, family oriented, learner, healer

rahu in uttara phalguni

introvert, karmic, humanitarian

ketu disciplined, spiritual, and dutiful.

hasta nakshatra

# 13

falls in virgo 10.00 -23.20

gender male

pada1 10.00 – 13.20, ruled by mars

pada2 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by venus

pada3 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by mercury

pada4 20.00 – 23.20, ruled by moon

keywords awareness, brilliant

nadi vata, ether(air & space)

symbol hand; palm

lord moon ruled by parvati

deity savita/surya

caste merchant

aim moksha, spiritual liberation

direction south

element fire

sounds pu, sh, nu, tha

power gaining

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

hasta ascendant

likeable, sociable, entertaining, attractive, respected, flexible body, and humanitarian

sun in hasta

practical, influential, knowledgeable, analytical, writing, skillful hands.

moon in hasta

sensitive, sharp memory, creative and imaginative, friendly, moody, open-hearted.

mercury in hasta

communicative, writing, analytical, business mind, intelligent.

venus in hasta

loves music and other forms of art, artistic, healer, good at cooking and household work.

mars in hasta

stubborn, focused, goal oriented, protective, works for social-welfare, determined.

saturn in hasta

clever, trader, determined, can write for long hours, prone to intoxication,

jupiter in hasta

teacher, healer, interest in astrology, occult science, and palm reading.

rahu in hasta

rahu feels spiritually restricted here and try to control his destiny through his efforts.

ketu in hasta

frustrated ketu here has the ability to go beyond mind and its illusions.

chitra nakshatra

# 14

falls in virgo 23.20 – libra 6.40

gender female

pada1 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by sun

pada2 26.40 – 30.00, ruled by mercury

pada3 0.00 – libra 3.20, ruled by venus

pada4 3.20 – 6.4 , ruled by mars

keywords craftsman, perfectionist

nadi pitta, heat, fire, energy

symbol bright jewel; pearl

lord mars ruled by muruga/kartikey

deity vishwakarma

caste farmer

aim kama, desire

direction west

element fire

sounds pe, po, ra, rer

power creating, spiritual power

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

chitra ascendant

looks fashionable, loves to wear jewellery, colorful clothes. Expressive, graceful, honest, desires for spiritual liberation.

sun in chitra

intelligent, academic intellect, critique, recognition, and opinionated.

moon in chitra

artistic, popular, attractive eyes, charming personality, intuitive, futuristic.

mercury in chitra

organized, detailed oriented, pre-planner, writer, publication, radio, tv, film.

venus in chitra

interests for arts, photography, music, designer, architect, love for fashion and jewellery.

mars in chitra

robust immunity, fighting spirit, armed forces and police, direct, competitive, militant, martial arts.

saturn in chitra

critical, disciplined, intelligent, designer, intelligent.

jupiter in chitra

judges, priest, lawyers, religious, knowledge of scriptures.

rahu in chitra

illusion, unrealistic, photography, virtual reality, video games

ketu in chitra

egoistic, spiritual warrior, can face adversity.

swati nakshatra

# 15

falls in libra 6.40 – 20.00

gender female

pada1 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by jupiter

pada2 10.00 – 13.20, ruled by saturn

pada3 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by saturn

pada4 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by jupiter

keywords selfie, individuality

nadi sleshma, kapha, mucus

symbol shoot of plant; coral

lord rahu ruled by durga

deity pawan/vayu

caste butcher

aim artha, material prosperity

direction north

element fire

sounds ru, re, ro, ta

power transforming

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

swati ascendant

charming, loyal, intelligent, good communicator, business mind, fair, ability to serve, after marriage becomes spiritual,

sun in swati

debilitated sun, ego in relationship, works hard to make career, authority, and recognition. Issue in relation with father, own business, counselor, diplomats, lawyers.

moon in swati

independent in relationship, own business, partnership in business doesn’t work, balanced mind, can see both sides of coins.

mercury in swati

good communicator, quick decision maker, justice, fair game player, own business, work independently, counselor, teacher. Sees marriage as an bondage.

venus in swati

wealth thru working independently or own business in the fields of finance, wealth management, design, and arts. Knowledgeable, seeks freedom in relationships.

mars in swati

seeks no interference in his actions, doesn’t like to work under others, proactive, innovative, entrepreneur, brave, courageous. Dominate in relationship.

saturn in swati

struggle in early life, independent, delayed realization, underpaid, later native may setup own business, also makes good lawer, judge, counselor.

jupiter in swati

guru chandal yoga, rebellious, works independently, knowledgeable, wisdom, knowledge sharing business, dominates in relationship.

rahu in swati

own business in fields of finance, wealth management, creativity. Doesn’t like to work under others, knowledgeable, creative, quick decision maker.

ketu in swati

isolation, separation, unhappy in relationship, spirituality, realization.

vishakha nakshatra

# 16

falls in libra 20.00 – scorpio 3.20

gender female

pada1 20.00 – 23.20, ruled by mars

pada2 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by venus

pada3 26.40 – 30.00, ruled by mercury

pada4 0.00 – scorpio 3.20, ruled by moon

keywords dharma, goes by book, accomplishment

nadi sleshma, kapha, mucus

symbol decorated gateway garland

lord jupiter ruled by shiva

deity indra and agni

caste outcast

aim dharma, right activities

direction east

element fire

sounds ti, tu, te, to

power harvesting

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

vishakha ascendant

wise, warships god, political, aggressive, impatient, easily gets angry.

sun in vishakha

committed in relationship, enjoys family life, egocentric, ambitious, introvert, secretive, researcher.

moon in vishakha

attractive to masses, moon(bright) appearance, humanitarian, intense, debilitated in the last pada.

mercury in vishakha

artistic, good writer, pleasant speech, communicator, last pada creates confusion and the native tends to think too much.

venus in vishakha

peace loving, balanced mind, judge, deal maker, harmonious, last pada takes the native towards secret knowledge and occult.

mars in vishakha

material pleasure, strong sexual appetite, many relationships, aggressive, secretive, in the last pada the native becomes harsh in actions and nature.

saturn in vishakha

decisive power, determination, focus, achieves one’s goals in life.

jupiter in vishakha

wedding priest, gift to humankind with fire element and true knowledge. Advocate of lawful marriage and business deals.

rahu in vishakha

material and spiritual dissatisfaction, early in life falls for sensual and sexual pleasure later become spiritual.

ketu in vishakha

native moves towards spiritual life, has knowledge of moksha, knows materialism is maya.

anuradha nakshatra

# 17

falls in scorpio 3.20 – 16.40

gender male

pada1 3.20 – 6.40 , ruled by sun

pada2 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by mercury

pada3 10.00 – 13.20, ruled by venus

pada4 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by mars

keywords union, friendship

nadi pitta, heat, fire, energy

symbol triumphal archway; lotus flower

lord saturn ruled by hanuman

deity mitra

caste shudra

aim dharma, right activities

direction south

element fire

sounds na, ne, nu, ne

power abundance

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

anuradha ascendant

helpful, learning, knowledge accumulation, should work in group not alone, victory, leadership, secretive, spiritual.

sun in anuradha

ultimate victory, leadership, hidden knowledge, ambitious, friendship, alliances, good career, should follow his/her heart.

moon in anuradha

desire oriented, thinks about the mass, may become anti-social or stalker, research related work. Early age guidance is required,

mercury in anuradha

higher aspirations, deep thinker, social media influencer, native should follow his/her heart in interests, career, and business.

venus in anuradha

creative, collaboration, intense bond in relationships, spiritual, restless heart, research or public service,

mars in anuradha

emergency worker, surgeon, detective, difficulties in early life, delay in self-realization, courage and will-power in in later life.

saturn in anuradha

less friends, hardship until 33 years of age, late marriage, practical, emotional stress.

jupiter in anuradha

loyal and reliable to friends, spiritual teacher, brings realism in whatever they do, higher knowledge thru teaching.

rahu in anuradha

rebellious, knowledge gain through friends, stubborn, divine connection, has control over wondering mind of rahu.

ketu in anuradha

divine devotion, public service, kundalini, away from friends and family, detached in relationships,

jyeshtha nakshatra

# 18

falls in scorpio 16.40 – 30.00

gender female

pada1 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by jupiter

pada2 20.00 – 23.20, ruled by saturn

pada3 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by saturn

pada4 26.40 – 30.00, ruled by jupiter

keywords hierarchy, paranoid

nadi vata, ether(air & space)

symbol circular talisman; umbrella; earring

lord mercury ruled by vishnu

deity indra

caste farmer

aim artha, material prosperity

direction west

element air

sounds no, ya, yi, yu

power heroism

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

jyeshtha ascendant

liked and respected by others, honored, passionate.

sun in jyeshtha

high social status, hardworking, ambitious.

moon in jyeshtha

mother boy/girl, obstinate, irritable, hypocritical, and secretive.

mercury in jyeshtha

cloudy thoughts, intelligent, communicator.

venus in jyeshtha

secretive, sensual, and seductive.

mars in jyeshtha

fearless, materialistic, and courageous.

saturn in jyeshtha

scattered thoughts, fearful.

jupiter in jyeshtha

sudden money gain, occult science, hidden knowledge.

rahu in jyeshtha

follows own desires, proudy, aggressive, fearless.

ketu in jyeshtha

fearless, spiritual, stable, mystical.

moola nakshatra

# 19

falls in sagittarius 0.00 – 13.20

gender neutral

pada1 0.00 – 3.20, ruled by mars

pada2 3.20 – 6.40, ruled by venus

pada3 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by mercury

pada4 10.00 – 13.20 , ruled by moon

keywords destruction, whistleblower

nadi vata, ether(air & space)

symbol lion tail; elephant goad; tied roots

lord ketu ruled by ganesha

deity nirrti/goddess of destruction

caste butcher

aim kama, desire

direction north

element air

sounds ye, yo, ba, be

power clearing

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

moola ascendant

outspoken, broad forehead, robust bone, broad vision, role model student, passionate desire, investigator, truthful, shrewd.

sun in moola

insense personality, under illusion, egoistic, researcher, spiritual, interest in occult, archaeology, history.

moon in moola

introvert, researcher, interest in spirituality, occult, and mysticism. Native feels isolated, and separated. Emotional issues, meditation can help. Can also become a counselor or a teacher.

mercury in moola

curious, success in research field, higher education, can become teacher, counselor, professor. Interests in religion, spirituality, and hidden aspects of the world.

venus in moola

interest in occult, spirituality, mysticism, research, arts, luxury, medical, finance.

mars in moola

dedication, focus, leader, aggression in fields of research, spirituality, religion, unknown/hidden aspects of the universe; isolated, separated.

saturn in moola

delay and obstacles in education, job, liberation, research, self-realization, financial gain, and marriage.

jupiter in moola

early age self-realization, success in fields of spirituality, occult, mysticism, medical, technology, and can also become teacher, counselor, and guide.

rahu in moola

obsessed with gaining knowledge through research in fields of technology, finance, medical, spirituality, occult, mysticism.

ketu in moola

spiritual, mysticism, occult practices and retreats, past life pending karma, separation, isolated, sometimes inner conflicts.

purva ashadha nakshatra

# 20

falls in sagittarius 13.20 – 26.40

gender female

pada1 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by sun

pada2 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by mercury

pada3 20.00 – 23.20, ruled by venus

pada4 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by mars

keywords surfing, juggling


symbol elephant tusk; monkey; bamboo hand fan

lord venus ruled by lakshmi

deity apah/god of water

caste brahmin

aim moksha, spiritual liberation

direction east

element air

sounds bu, da, bha, dha

power invigorating

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

purva ashadha ascendant

interest in law and politics, proud, healer, high respect, faithful to friends, humble, friends and children.

sun in purva ashadha

attractive look, name and fame, humanitarian, leadership, philosophical, political.

moon in purva ashadha

balanced emotion, charming personality, philosophical, loyal in friendship and relationship.,

mercury in purva ashadha

teacher, counselor, higher education, learned communicator, analytical, troublesome relationship.

venus in purva ashadha

higher education, teacher, counselor, explores cultures around the world, foodie, traveler, good friends.

mars in purva ashadha

nurses, guide, coaches, lab tester, competitive, zealous, sometimes harsh spoken.

saturn in purva ashadha

obstacles in gaining higher education, higher education in the fields of technology, medicine, and law. Practical, teacher, can also get harsh teachers and seniors.

jupiter in purva ashadha

higher education, good teacher & professor, polished behaviour, good at reasoning, foodie, creative and wealthy.

rahu in purva ashadha

obsessed in gaining higher and specified education, always learning new things, education in fields of finance, design and arts. Later in life spiritual.

ketu in purva ashadha

higher education in fields of spirituality and occult science. Looks for inner wisdom, curious and always learning something new.

uttara ashadha nakshatra

# 21

falls in sag 26.40 – cap 10.00

gender female

pada1 26.40 – 30.00, ruled by jupiter

pada2 0.00 – cap 3.20, ruled by saturn

pada3 3.20 – 6.40, ruled by saturn

pada4 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by jupiter

keywords overachiever

nadi sleshma, kapha, mucus

symbol elephant tusk; small cot

lord sun ruled by shiva

deity vishwa devas/universal gods

caste warrior

aim moksha, spiritual liberation

direction south

element air

sounds be, bo, ja, ji

power victory

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

uttara ashadha ascendant

public servant, hardworking, famous late in life, kind, honest, counselor.

sun in uttara ashadha

hungry for power, quick learner, willing to change the world, ambitious, leader, humanitarian.

moon in uttara ashadha

long life, patient, socially responsible, rigid, sincere.

mercury in uttara ashadha

life long learner, thinker, well spoken, introvert, calligrapher.

venus in uttara ashadha

committed in love, craftsman, likes luxury and rich people.

mars in uttara ashadha

researcher, disciplined, will power, fights for society, ambitious, patient and careful.

saturn in uttara ashadha

politician, hardworking, ambitious, hunger for name and fame.

jupiter in uttara ashadha

philosophical, spiritual, preachers, well-respected.

rahu in uttara ashadha

hardworking, responsible, disciplined and dutiful.

ketu in uttara ashadha

lonely, becomes spiritual in later life.

shravana nakshatra

# 22

falls in capricorn 10.00 – 23.20

gender female

pada1 10.00 – 13.20, ruled by mars

pada2 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by venus

pada3 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by mercury

pada4 20.00 – 23.20, ruled by moon

keywords podcast, radio

nadi sleshma, kapha, mucus

symbol ear; 3 footprints of saraswati

lord moon ruled by parvati

deity vishnu

caste outcast

aim artha, material prosperity

direction north

element air

sounds ju, je, jo, gha

power connecting

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

shravana ascendant

higher career desire, scholarly work, structural and organized.

sun in shravana

egoistic, rebellious, problems with boss, practical, conservative, organised, and political.

moon in shravana

mystic, restless mind, clever, sad, and moody.

mercury in shravana

interested in old scriptures, speaks less, meaningful communication.

venus in shravana

career organized, cold in love, strict, not open, fearful, and enjoys the workplace.

mars in shravana

disciplined, well-behaved, patience, goal oriented.

saturn in shravana

mindful of reputation, career delays, practical, focused, and political.

jupiter in shravana

highly creative, learner, classical arts, loves nature, spiritual.

rahu in shravana

here rahu learns to sit to hear the sounds of silence, and becomes peaceful and balanced, fearful, slowly becomes disciplined.

ketu in shravana

connects to universal consciousness, has good intuition power, silent, good at meditation.

dhanishta nakshatra

# 23

falls in cap 23.20 – aqu 6.40

gender female

pada1 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by sun

pada2 26.40 – 30.00, ruled by mercury

pada3 0.00 – aqua 3.20, ruled by venus

pada4 3.20 – 6.40, ruled by mars

keywords celebrity, influencer

nadi pitta, heat, fire, energy

symbol flute; mridanga; drum

lord mars ruled by muruga/kartikey

deity eight vasus

caste farmer

aim dharma, right activities

direction east

element ether

sounds ga, gi, gu, ge

power joining

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

dhanishta ascendant

wealthy, virtuous, conservative, arrogant, ambitious, disciplined, liberal, idealistic.

sun in dhanishta

wealthy, stressful lifestyle, hardworking, cynical, has anger issues, social.

moon in dhanishta

structured, organized, detached, liberal, love for music, poetry but obstinate.

mercury in dhanishta

business knowledge, good concentration, slow speaker, leans from scriptures.

venus in dhanishta

polished habits, love for music and singing, cold in love and relationship, wealth creator.

mars in dhanishta

exalted, focused, goal oriented, has patience and control over actions.

saturn in dhanishta

reputation, political, scriptures, organised, focused, materialistic, business-mind.

jupiter in dhanishta

debilitated, too materialistic, greedy, atheist, unconcerned about higher learning and wisdom.

rahu in dhanishta

knows own weaknesses, aspires for wealth but enlightenment through accomplishments.

ketu in dhanishta

follows the divine mission of his/her own soul.

shatabhisha nakshatra

# 24

falls in aquarius 6.40 – 20.00

gender neutral

pada1 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by jupiter

pada2 10.00 – 13.20, ruled by saturn

pada3 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by saturn

pada4 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by jupiter

keywords surveillance, smartphone

nadi vata, ether(air & space)

symbol circle; garland; hundred flowers

lord rahu ruled by durga

deity varuna

caste butcher

aim dharma, right activities

direction south

element ether

sounds go, sa, si, su

power healing

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

shatabhisha ascendant

soft body, broad forehead, impressive eyes, attractive face, high nose, memory power, restless, truth seeker, religious.

sun in shatabhisha

creative, writer, humanitarian, hardworking, intelligent, philosophical, determined, helpful.

moon in shatabhisha

good healer, doctor, mystical, meditative, philosophical, scientific, caring, public service, technically sound, entrepreneur.

mercury in shatabhisha

technical and scientific studies, technical writer, new-age technology, curious, delayed results, humanitarian.

venus in shatabhisha

jobs in mnc or media, love marriage, luxury gadgets, creative, technology designer, humanitarian, communicator.

mars in shatabhisha

frustrated, learns sustainability, higher purpose, technology savvy(technician), delay result, sometimes impatient.

saturn in shatabhisha

public service through technology and scientific advancements, hardworking till 33, humanitarian, diplomatic, tough speech, family comforts, hometown.

jupiter in shatabhisha

delayed self-realization, natural physical, mental, and spiritual healer, counselor, guide, life-coach, teacher in medical field, technically sound, unusual religious approach.

rahu in shatabhisha

new age inventor, large organization, humanitarian goals, scientific approach, wealthy, serves meaningful and higher goals,

ketu in shatabhisha

jobs at mnc, isolated at work place, leave working at mncs, many friends but hardly talk to them, research or scientific through technology to help the mass at large.

purva bhadrapada nakshatra

# 25

falls in aqua 20.00 – pisces 3.20

gender male

pada1 20.00 – 23.20, ruled by mars

pada2 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by venus

pada3 26.40 – 30.00, ruled by mercury

pada4 0.00 – pisces 3.20, ruled by moon

keywords sacrify, self destruction

nadi vata, ether(air & space)

symbol sword; double faced man

lord jupiter ruled by shiva

deity ajaikapada/an ancient fire dragon

caste brahmin

aim artha, material prosperity

direction west

element ether

sounds se, so, da, di

power uprising

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

purva bhadrapada ascendant

public speaker, philosophical, attractive, fond of travelling and money.

sun in purva bhadrapada

dislike routines, creative mind, writing, independent, seclusive.

moon in purva bhadrapada

intelligent, spiritual, teaching skills, occult knowledge, clever supervisor.

mercury in purva bhadrapada

highly intellectual, materialistic gains, successful business person.

venus in purva bhadrapada

eccentric lover, indulges in relationship, finds pleasure in religious talks, philosophy, and spirituality.

mars in purva bhadrapada

prone to conflicts, impulsive, irritable, mars doesn’t feel at home here.

saturn in purva bhadrapada

social, detached, unique, humanitarian, and philanthropist.

jupiter in purva bhadrapada

gains knowledge of tantra, occult science, generous nature, judges quickly.

rahu in purva bhadrapada

goes beyond physical beauty, gives importance to good work and creativity.

ketu in purva bhadrapada

carries idealism from the past life, discovers the true meaning of life on the earth.

uttara bhadrapada nakshatra

# 26

falls in pisces 3.20 – 16.40

gender male

pada1 3.20 – 6.40, ruled by sun

pada2 6.40 – 10.00, ruled by mercury

pada3 10.00 – 13.20, ruled by venus

pada4 13.20 – 16.40, ruled by mars

keywords philosophy major, wordly, spirituality

nadi pitta, heat, fire, energy

symbol twins; funeral bed on a cot

lord saturn ruled by hanuman

deity ahirbudhnya/ocean serpent

caste warrior

aim kama, desire

direction north

element ether

sounds du, tha, jha, jna

power stabilising

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

uttara bhadrapada ascendant

large body, broad shoulder, calm mind represents the ocean, heavy and short in height, patient and a few lazy.

sun in uttara bhadrapada

intelligent, witty, creative, generous, charitable, hardworking, spiritual.

moon in uttara bhadrapada

virtuous, sense of public service, clever communicator, attractive look.

mercury in uttara bhadrapada

debilitated mercury, slow learner, less hobbies, does not like to read books.

venus in uttara bhadrapada

flair for creativity and design, luxurious goods, cool and balanced mind, insightful, romantic relationships,

mars in uttara bhadrapada

yoga or meditation teacher, healer, spiritual, peaceful, religious leader.

saturn in uttara bhadrapada

delay or obstacles, in spiritual experience and learning, long hour meditation, solidarity, kundalini.

jupiter in uttara bhadrapada

spiritual guru, meditation, wisdom, family and materialistic life may suffer.

rahu in uttara bhadrapada

obsessed with spirituality and mysticism. Devoted to guru, kundalini, later in life native can become a guru.

ketu in uttara bhadrapada

intuned with universal consciousness, out of body experience, self-realization, enlightenment.

revati nakshatra

# 27

falls in pisces 16.40 – 30.00

gender male

pada1 16.40 – 20.00, ruled by jupiter

pada2 20.00 – 23.20, ruled by saturn

pada3 23.20 – 26.40, ruled by saturn

pada4 26.40 – 30.00, ruled by jupiter

keywords wealth, affluence

nadi sleshma, kapha, mucus

symbol pair of fish; drum beating energy

lord mercury ruled by vishnu

deity pushan/the protective deity

caste shudra

aim moksha, spiritual liberation

direction east

element ether

sounds de, do, cha, chi

power nourishing

if a planet falls in this nakshatra you can expect following attributes in the native.

revati ascendant

gentle, attractive look, social, good friends, travels.

sun in revati

interested in philosophy, politics, classical arts. Sensitive, humorous, unusual fame, charitable and a traveler.

moon in revati

interested in ancient culture, religion, spirituality. Wealthy, success in foreign land, pet lover.

mercury in revati

accountant, good communicator, religious and spiritual knowledge, wisdom.

venus in revati

exalted, after divine love, monk, yogi, pen lover, spiritual.

mars in revati

wisdom, knowledgeable, spiritual leader, yoga teacher, connections with authorities.

saturn in revati

isolation, far from society, lost structure. Pessimistic, melancholy.

jupiter in revati

dreamer, lost, unknown wisdom and knowledge, spiritual, good intuition power, finds guru.

rahu in revati

innovative, good psychic, dreamer, other world knowledge.

ketu in revati

wealthy, good at meditation, spiritual, esoteric, psychic, desires to get enlightenment.

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