Install Ruby on Rails 7 on Linuxmint

install ruby on rails 7 on linuxmint

If you would like to try Ruby on Rails 7 with Ruby 3 on Linuxmint 20.03, I am quickly going to demonstrate how to install Ruby, Node, NPM, Yarn, git, build essentials, Ruby on Rails 7 and all other required packages and also will create the demo Rails app and run the Rails server and […]


I am using MySQL 8 and was trying to query SELECT DISTINCT with CONCAT on my Linux Mint system. If you have MySQL 5.x, please refer to the official documentations. Here is the query that worked for me..

PHP, MySQL CRUD with PDO Driver – Minimal HTML & CSS

php mysql pdo crud

A quick PHP, MySQL CRUD operation with PDO mysql driver with minimul HTML and almost no CSS. I am going to share the code for each file and operation separately. I am using XAMPP server with MariaDB, PHP 8.1, and Apache 2.4 web server on my Windows 10 Pro. I assume that you are already […]

How to Change / Update Magento Default Emails

update Magento default emails

This quick post will help you update / change Magento default email addresses and email sender names in just five steps. You can watch the video walk through as well if you think you need visual walk through. Good luck!! How to update Magento Store Email Addresses Login to Magento/admin Stores > Settings > Configuration […]

Stop Windows 10 Auto Updates

NOTE: if you already have a WindowsUpdate/AU folder then you don’t need to create this folder again under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows. Here are the steps: Click on Start menu or Search then type regedit then press enter. Navigate to the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Right click the Windows (folder) key, select the New submenu, and choose the Key […]

How to Configure & Generate Magento XML Sitemap

Magento xml sitemap

This post will quickly help you generate xml sitemap on your Magento 2.x store and access the sitemap URL. There are two steps to be followed – first is to set-up the sitemap and second is to generate the xml sitemap with Magento xml sitemap generator. Configure Magento XML sitemap Login to Magento/admin Configure XML […]

Flipkart Return Experience Review

Flipkart has trying to pick-up the cancelled order for the last 3 days. This book delivered promptly since I did not like the book content quality I decided to cancel the order on the same day of delivery. I get a message on my cell phone every morning that someone will pick-up the product before […]

Remove .html from Magento Product URL

I was just trying Magento 2.3 on my shared hosting web server and when I saw that Magento store generates adds .html to product and category URLs by default then I thought it is not good to have on the store because if I would plan to migrate to other CMS like Shopify or WooCommerce […]

Install Drupal Console on Windows with Composer

install drupal console on windows 10 with composer

I was trying to enable development mode on my Drupal 9 site on my localhost and I found Drupal console an easy way to enable dev mode for Drupal 9 theme development environment. While installing Drupal console, I faced difficulties that’s why I am writing this post. Just to let you know that I am […]

How to Create 2022 Child Theme – WordPress Theming

To Create Child Theme of WordPress 2022 Theme, create a folder in your \wp-content\themes folder, name whatever you would like to call it. I named it 2022-child Create minimum required files in this folder. Create style.css Copy and paste the following code in your style.css file and save it. Create functions.php Copy and paste the […]