CSS Repeating Background Gradients

In this post you learn CSS Repeating Background Gradients. The repeating-linear-gradient() CSS function creates an image consisting of repeating linear gradients. This data type is a special type. Let’s dive in…. First Gradient CSS Gradients data type. this example uses an gradients to show the repeating background gradients of steps in process. The above code […]

How to Download and Install Python 3.8.5 on Windows 10

Let me quickly guide you to install Python 3.8.5 on Windows 10. In this post, I am going to install Python 3.8.5, set Python 3.8 to system PATH, check python version with CMD, write classic ‘hello world’ program and execute it with cmd. Please Note: If you are trying to install Python 3.8.5 on Windows […]

Amazon Live Creator: Lets You Live Stream and Make Money

amazon live creator

If you are a live streamer, this is big news for you. Amazon just launched a live streaming iOS app (Amazon Live Creator) for iPhone and iPad users. This application is for social media influencers who want to make money by recommending Amazon products to their fans and followers.  As you live stream this application […]

HTML 5 – How to Create Table

In this post you will learn how to create different types of tables in HTML 5, I’m going to demonstrate with codes and visual images that will help you understand how table tags and its children tags work in HTML 5. Let’s dive in… There are three sections in <table> tag: <thead>, <tbody>, and <tfoot>. […]