Category Archives: Blogging

How to Create a Blog Under Your Budget that Makes Money

You are going to learn how to create a blog with WordPress in the process of creating the blog you will learn how to to use wordpress at the same time you will also learn how to find easy to rank keyword and phrase and then promote your post to get visibility on social media platforms and search engines as well. 

People create blog to enhance their knowledge in the knees at the same time to make money off the blog whatever is your goal;   at the end of this post you’ll be able to create your blog post find  new blog post ideas to publish content regularly and drive traffic to your blog and finally convert these visitors into customers or buyers. 

Before we start creating the blog with wordpress which is the best CMS for Blog in for its simplicity and its vibrant ecosystem. WordPress is completely free open source software that comes with thousands of free themes and plugins and that helps beginner bloggers launch their blog in just a few hours. Literally speaking you can launch your wordpress blog in just 10 minutes and a few people can publish their very first post in the first hour.

But that is very easy and a lot of people already know how to publish a post on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Tiktok; Publishing a blog post with WordPress is no different than publishing a post on social media. 

Find Your Blogging Niche

I assume that you have already chosen your field of interest or a niche that you want to blog about. If you have not, then let me tell you that choosing a niche before starting the blog is important. The second important thing is to find easy to rank keywords and phrases with your new blog and website. 

Every blogger uses SEO tools to find easy to rank keywords and find keywords and phrases that his or her competitors are already ranking for. 

Buy a Domain Name

Once you’ve chosen your blogging niche, simply you should buy a domain name for your blog. Before you buy the domain name you want to make sure that it’s easily brandable on social media platforms and it’s unique too.  There are so many tools that can help you find a  brandable and unique domain name. When your domain name is unique it becomes easier for search engines to find you and rank higher for brand search queries. 

Create Blog with WordPress

So to create a blog we are going to use wordpress CMS and what resources available with every web hosting company so simply go ahead and find a good web hosting company whenever your target audience is; We must host our website and blog closer to the target audience to serve our web pages faster and rank quickly for local  search queries on search engines.

So there are two types of hosting basically you can buy for your wordpress blog the first one is shared hosting and the second one is WordPress managed hosting; most beginner bloggers start with shared hosting and then as they grow their blog they move to managed hosting or VPS hosting.

Because we are using WordPress that comes with thousands of free plugins that make moving sites from one server to another the easiest process.

No matter which hosting services you go with, you most probably will get to one click wordpress installer that clearly means that you don’t have to waste time downloading and installing WordPress manually and then setting up the database and configuring the domain name.

Since you already have installed wordpress on your domain now it’s time to to customise your wordpress theme  the minimum customisation should be ok so you just need the logo and favicon for your blog.

Find easy to Rank Keywords and Phrases

To find easy to rank keywords and phrases for your blog is very critical to beginner bloggers and finding easy to rank keywords is easy with certain keyword research tools and they are paid tools.

Here are the tools that you can use to find easy to rank keywords for your new blogs and websites.

Before You Start Writing Your Very First Blog Post

So now you have found the easy to rank you keyword or phrase or long tail keyword, the next thing you should definitely want to search this keyword or phrase in Google to check what websites are already ranking for this keyword, what kind of content they have written, and what are the FAQs on the very first page and related queries at the bottom of the page too.

Find Your Niche Competitors

To find competitors in the same niche of your blog you simply have to use tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush.These tools will give you keywords and phrases, that your competitors website ranking and the domain name. 

Once you’ve found the domain name of your competitors and the keywords and phrases that their ranking for you can simply improve the content and publish the same kind of content on your blog to rank higher on the search engines.

How to Monetize Downloadable links

There are lots of downloadable links on your websites and blogs that are not being monetized or somewhat under monetized. If your website or blog is ranking for any downloadable software or any other sort of media and you want to monetize your traffic then this post will help you quickly monetize your pages with download traffic on the web.

This monetization method would be based on geographical location of your visitors that means if your visitor happens to be from a rich country then you will get more money.


Don’t worry if your website is already monetized with other monetization platforms like adsense, adsmobi,, adcash and etc.

You’ll still be able to monetize your download links on your pages and make some extra bucks and get it transferred to your back account on monthly basis.

Monetize Your Facebook Pages and Groups

If you have Facebook page or Facebook group that you would like to monetize this works too. Simply sign up for this awesome site, create links and start making money from your FB fan pages and groups.

Monetize Your YouTube Channel and Videos

There are a lot of YouTubers that are struggling to make money from your videos that simply don’t yet qualify for Google Adsense. But don’t worry; if you have download traffic on your YouTube videos and would like to make money from your YouTube videos then this website will help you monetize your YouTube videos.

To monetize your YouTube traffic: all you have to do is – just sing up for this website and create links, and put it in your video description and you are done.

Monetize Your Forum Traffic

If you would like to make money for your forum profile and answers then this website will help you monetize your forum reputation. Just sign up, create links and put this in your forum profile and answers.

Best Site to Start a Blog

Starting a blog is the easiest thing to do after reading this post. If you can manage your facebook profile, tweet your thoughts, and find a YouTube video for your DIY ideas. 

There are many sites where you can start your blog from, but you want to start a blog that has search engines friendly, and lets you easily share your blog posts on your ideal social media platforms. 

I know a lot of bloggers that started with blogger, blogger is a blogging software by Google, and later on they had to migrate to other blogging CMS.

You want to start your blog with a CMS that offers easy user experience and at the same time is also scalable.

I always recommend people to start their blog with WordPress, the reason is simple; it is easy to start with, there are thousands of free and paid themes and plugins and you can easily find developers, and WordPress hosting is also cheap and on top of everything; WordPress is fully customizable and you get full control to do things later on. 

Many people contact me to customize and to add new features to their websites and blogs powered by Wix, Shopify, Squarespace and simply I have to say “No, it’s possible with Wix, Shopify, Squarespace and etc”. That’s the reason; you want to start your blog with WordPress.

Create Your Blog With WordPress

Let’s create your blog with WordPress. If you do not know – WordPress powers 35% of the sites on the internet as of 2020, and that is huge. And this gives you, the new blogger to get started with WordPress at a very nominal price because there is competition and every hosting company in the world offers WordPress one click installer, and optimized web hosting server.

Find a Perfect Domain Name

Finding a perfect domain name is essential to blogging; especially if you are considering blogging for your lifetime.

Few things to keep in mind when buying a new domain name

  1. You should not buy expired domains; you might end up buying spammy domains.
  2. Before buying domain name; check if social profile can be created with the name
  3. Google for the domain name you are buying to check if it is unique in the eyes of the giant.
  4. Go for easy to remember and brandable domain name

Find Web Hosting for Your Audience

You know your target audience, you should also know their geo to serve faster and quicker page load on their devices like smartphone, desktop, and tablets.

Find the best web hosting company in your target geo. You want to go with the starter web hosting plans first then once you start getting visitors to your blog, you can upgrade your web hosting server.

Launch Your Blog

Okay! You have your domain name and finalized your web hosting and ready to launch your blog with WordPress .Here is how you can install WordPress on your web hosting server.

Make Money with Blogging

I don’t know the reason why you want to start blogging but if you want to start your blog to attract new audiences and drive them towards your products and offers or simply put; you want to make money by recommending products and services that you like and admire then I assume that you know your target audience. 

Knowing your audience is key to succeeding as a blogger. This is why new bloggers should find a blogging niche before starting the blog. Once you have your target audience; you can easily find ideas to write your blog posts and recommend products and services to make some extra bucks.

Amazon Live Creator: Lets You Live Stream and Make Money

If you are a live streamer, this is big news for you. Amazon just launched a live streaming iOS app (Amazon Live Creator) for iPhone and iPad users. This application is for social media influencers who want to make money by recommending Amazon products to their fans and followers.  As you live stream this application recommends the most relevant products to your viewers and as they click on it and make purchases within 24 hour you make money and this is huge if you have not been able to monetize your live streams so far.

How Amazon associate works

Amazon has its own affiliate program called Amazon associates that lets you refer Amazon products and services to your fans, followers, website,  app visitors, and social media pages and now on this live streaming application. And whenever somebody visits Amazon through your affiliate ID on the product link and buys anything within 24 hour; you make money.

If you are not yet an Amazon associate then you will have to sign up for Amazon associate program you will have to provide your details including email, phone number, your residence address, most importantly bank details and you also need to tell how you are going to promote Amazon products. It could be through your website, application, social media pages ect.

To sign up for the Amazon associate program is simply visit the website or the website with country specific domain extension and scroll down to the bottom of the page and you’d have a link which says Amazon Associates. Simply you have to click on it and sign up.

How much do you get paid?

Amazon associate commission rates differ on the country to country Amazon website, you are associated with. For more details you can have a look at their Commission rate chart. It begins from 1 % and goes to 10% across all Amazon websites around the world.

App Screenshots

Here is screenshots posted on Apple app store

Source: Apple App Store

Download and Install Amazon Live Creator

This app is only available for iOS users; if you have iPhone or iPad you can install this app from Apple App Store.

Download from App Store