Category Archives: php

Enable opcache on XAMPP Server

To enable opcache in XAMPP, launch your xampp control panel, stop the apache server and open php.ini file by clicking config and going to php.ini file. Press control + f and type opcache to find the following line and uncomment it. Last and but not the least, scroll down to the very end of php.ini … Continue reading Enable opcache on XAMPP Server

PHP While Loop in HTML

This post will help you understand how to use PHP while loop to traverse and display MySQL table data in HTML. I have two tables in my MySQL database, named categories and brands that I want to view on html/php pages using PHP while loop. I assure that you have established your MySQL database connection … Continue reading PHP While Loop in HTML

Fixed – uncaught error call to undefined function mysql_connect()

If you are getting following error on your Windows OS then chances are that you have some php and mysql configuration issues. I was getting Uncaught Error Call to undefined function mysql_connect() on my Windows 10 and had XAMPP and PHP8 installed additionally and my additional PHP8 was set to the system’s path. Download PHP … Continue reading Fixed – uncaught error call to undefined function mysql_connect()

Fixed: php is not recognized as an internal or external command – Windows 10

If you are getting “php is not recognized as an internal or external command” from your Microsoft Windows Command Prompt on Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. Then you need to add php folder location path to the system environment variables. this post is going to show you how to add php to system … Continue reading Fixed: php is not recognized as an internal or external command – Windows 10